| | Unearthed Arcana VARIANT CHARACTER CLASSESThis section presents sixteen variant versions of the standard character classes, along with several additional variants created by swapping one or more class features for features of other classes. Each fully detailed variant has entries for one or more of the following topics. If an entry does not appear, use the material for the standard class. Alignment Changes to the class's alignment restrictions. Hit Die Changes to the class's Hit Die. Base Attack Bonus If the class uses a different base attack bonus, this entry gives the column to use (good, average, or poor). Base Save Bonuses If the class has a different mix of good and poor saves, this entry gives the appropriate column for each save. Class Skills Additions or subtractions from the class skill list, and/or changes in the number of skill points gained per level. Class Features Changes, additions, or subtractions to the class's special features, including spellcasting. Multiclassing And Variant Classes Multiclassing between variants of the same class is a tricky subject. In cases where a single class offers a variety of paths (such as the totem barbarian or the monk fighting styles), the easiest solution is simply to bar multiclassing between different versions of the same class (just as a character can't multiclass between different versions of specialist wizards). For variants that are wholly separate from the character class - such as the bardic sage or the urban ranger - multiclassing, even into multiple variants of the same class, is probably okay. Identical class features should stack if gained from multiple versions of the same class (except for spellcasting, which is always separate).In any case, only the first version of a favored class is treated as favored; a halfling rogue/wizard who later begins gaining levels in the wilderness rogue variant class can't treat both the rogue and wilderness rogue classes as favored, only the class gained first (in this case, rogue). Under no circumstances does spellcasting ability from multiple classes (even variants of the same class) stack. A character with levels of bard and levels of bardic sage has two separate caster levels and two separate sets of spells per day, even though the classes are very similar. Simple Variants These variants simply swap one or more of that class's features for one or more class features of another class. A class feature gained works just as it did for its original class, including the level at which it is gained and any other effects, except as noted below. BARBARIAN VARIANTSTotem Barbarian In a barbarian-heavy campaign, you can increase the variation between barbarian characters if each barbarian tribe dedicates itself to a different totem creature, such as the bear or the jaguar. The choice of a totem must be taken at 1st level, and cannot be changed later except under extreme circumstances (such as the barbarian being adopted by another tribe).If you use this variant, the barbarian loses one or more of the following standard class features: fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge. In place of these abilities, the barbarian gains class features as determined by his totem. All totems do not necessarily grant abilities at the same levels, nor do they all grant the same number of abilities. These class features are extraordinary abilities unless otherwise indicated. The list of totems discussed here is by no means exhaustive. If you prefer to use other totems, you can either substitute the totem name for that of a similar creature (such as changing the Lion Totem to the Tiger Totem) or create a new set of totem abilities, using the information here as a guide. APE TOTEM CLASS FEATURES A barbarian dedicated to the ape totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities. - At 1st level, an ape-totem barbarian gains a climb speed equal to one-half his base land speed (round down to the nearest 5-foot interval). For instance, a human, elf, half-elf, or half-orc ape-totem barbarian has a climb speed of 15 feet, while a dwarf, gnome, or halfling ape-totem barbarian has a climb speed of 10 feet.
- At 2nd level, an ape-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks.
- A 3rd level ape-totem barbarian gains Power Attack as a bonus feat.
- At 5th level, an ape-totem barbarian's climb speed equals his base land speed.
BEAR TOTEM CLASS FEATURES A barbarian dedicated to the bear totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities. - A 1st-level bear-totem barbarian gains Toughness as a bonus feat.
- At 2nd level, a bear-totem barbarian gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
- A 3rd-level bear-totem barbarian gains Great Fortitude as a bonus feat.
- Beginning at 5th level, a bear-totem barbarian gains a +4 bonus on grapple checks when raging.
BOAR TOTEM CLASS FEATURES A barbarian dedicated to the boar totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities. - When raging, a 1st-level boar-totem barbarian is treated as having the Diehard feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
- At 3rd level and higher, a boar-totem barbarian's rage lasts for 2 rounds longer than normal.
- Beginning at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 1 point higher than the normal value. Thus, at 7th level, a boar-totem barbarian's damage reduction is 2/-, and it rises by 1 point every three levels thereafter.
DRAGON TOTEM CLASS FEATURES A barbarian dedicated to the dragon totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities. - A 1st-level dragon-totem barbarian gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat.
- At 2nd level, a dragon-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on saves against paralysis and sleep effects.
- At 5th level, a dragon-totem barbarian gains the frightful presence ability. The save DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 barbarian level + barbarian's Cha modifier.
EAGLE TOTEM CLASS FEATURES A barbarian dedicated to the eagle totem does not gain the standard fast movement and trap sense barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities. - At 1st level, an eagle-totem barbarian's keen vision grants him a +2 bonus on Spot checks.
- An eagle-totem barbarian gains Lightning Reflexes as a bonus feat at 3rd level.
HORSE TOTEM CLASS FEATURES A barbarian dedicated to the horse totem does not gain the standard uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities. - At 2nd level, a horse-totem barbarian gains Run as a bonus feat.
- A 3rd-level horse-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Handle Animal checks made with regard to horses and a +2 bonus on Ride checks made to ride a horse.
- At 5th level, a horse-totem barbarian gains Endurance as a bonus feat.
JAGUAR TOTEM CLASS FEATURES A barbarian dedicated to the jaguar totem represents the "standard" barbarian and gains the standard barbarian class features. LION TOTEM CLASS FEATURES A barbarian dedicated to the lion totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities. - At 1st level, a lion-totem barbarian gains Run as a bonus feat.
- A 2nd-level lion-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Hide checks.
- A 5th-level lion-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on damage rolls whenever he charges.
SERPENT TOTEM CLASS FEATURES A barbarian dedicated to the serpent totem does not gain the standard fast movement, uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities. - At 1st level, a serpent-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Fortitude saves against poison.
- A 2nd-level serpent-totem barbarian gains a +2 bonus on Move Silently checks.
- At 3rd level, a serpent-totem barbarian gains Improved Grapple as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
- A serpent-totem barbarian gains Improved Initiative as a bonus feat at 5th level.
WOLF TOTEM CLASS FEATURES A barbarian dedicated to the wolf totem does not gain the standard uncanny dodge, trap sense, and improved uncanny dodge barbarian class features, and instead gains the following abilities. - A 2nd-level wolf-totem barbarian gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if he doesn't meet the normal prerequisites.
- A 5th-level wolf-totem barbarian gains Track as a bonus feat.
Simple Variant A barbarian who prefers crafty hunting over pure ferocity might choose to exchange his rage ability for certain ranger class features. Gain Favored enemy (as ranger); archery combat style, improved archery combat style, and archery combat style mastery (as ranger). Lose Rage, greater rage, indomitable will, tireless rage, mighty rage. BARD VARIANTSBard Variant: Bardic Sage The bardic sage focuses his efforts on learning, research, and the power of knowledge. Alignment The bardic sage must be neutral good, neutral, or neutral evil. The true pursuit of knowledge cares little for ethical extremes. A bardic sage who becomes chaotic or lawful cannot progress in levels as a bardic sage, though he retains all his bardic sage abilities. Base Save Bonuses The bardic sage has good will saves, but has poor Fortitude and Reflex saves. CLASS FEATURES The bardic sage has all the standard bard class features, except as noted below. Spellcasting A bardic sage learns and casts spells as a normal bard, with a few exceptions. In addition to the normal number of spells known, a bardic sage knows one divination spell of each spell level he is capable of casting. For example, a 1st-level bardic sage knows four 0-level bard spells plus one 0-level bard spell of the divination school (such as detect magic, know direction, or read magic). The bardic sage's number of spells per day does not change.To learn or cast a spell, a bardic sage must have an intelligence score (not Charisma score) equal to at least 10 + the spell level. All other spellcasting factors, including bonus spells and save DCs, are still determined using the bardic sage's Charisma score. Add the following spells to the bardic sage's class spell list: 1st - detect chaos/evil/good/law; 2nd - zone of truth; 3rd - arcane sight; 4th - analyze dweomer (lowered from 6th), sending; 5th - contact other plane, greater scrying (lowered from 6th); 6th - true seeing, vision. Bardic Knowledge A bardic sage gains a +2 bonus on all bardic knowledge checks. Bardic Music A bardic sage's powers of inspiration are not as persistent as those of a traditional bard. His ability to inspire courage, inspire greatness, or inspire heroics lasts only 3 rounds after the ally can no longer hear the bardic sage sing, rather than the normal 5 rounds. Divine Bard Not all bards are arcanists; some derive their special powers from a divine tradition. In many primitive cultures, the divine bard takes the place of the cleric or the adept as the guide of the people's religious beliefs. CLASS FEATURES The divine bard has all the standard bard class features, except as noted below. Spellcasting A divine bard learns and casts spells as a normal bard, with some minor exceptions. A divine bard's spells are divine spells, not arcane spells.To learn or cast a spell, a divine bard must have a Wisdom score (not Charisma score) equal to at least 10 + the spell level. All other Spellcasting factors, including bonus spells and save DCs, are still determined using the divine bard's Charisma score. Like druids, paladins, and rangers, divine bards need not designate a specific deity as the source of their spells. However, a divine bard can't cast spells of an alignment that doesn't match his. Thus, divine bards cannot cast lawful spells (since bards can't be lawful). Neutral divine bards can't cast any spells associated with an alignment (and are thus relatively rare). Add the following spells to the divine bard's class spell list: 0 - create water, cure minor wounds; 1st - detect evil/good/law, protection from evil/good/law; 2nd - consecrate, desecrate, gentle repose; 3rd - magic circle against evil/good/law, prayer; 4th - remove disease, speak with dead, sending; 5th - divination, restoration; 6th - commune, hallow, unhallow, raise dead. Savage Bard The savage bard is a warrior at heart, though his arcane powers strike fear into the enemies of his tribe. Savage bards often multi-class as barbarians to improve their combat prowess. Alignment A savage bard must be chaotic in alignment. A savage bard who becomes nonchaotic cannot progress in levels as a bard, though he retains all his bard abilities. Base Save Bonuses A savage bard has good Fortitude and Will saves, but has poor Reflex saves. Class Skills A savage bard loses Decipher Script and Speak Language as class skills. He adds Survival to his list of class skills. CLASS FEATURES The savage bard has all the standard bard class features, except as noted below. Illiteracy A savage bard is illiterate, just as a barbarian is. An illiterate savage bard cannot use or scribe scrolls. Spellcasting Remove the following spells from the savage bard's class spell list: calm emotions, comprehend languages, detect secret doors, erase, prestidigitation, read magic, sepia snake sigil, summon monster (I through VI).Add the following spells to the savage bard's class spell list: 1st - calm animals, detect snares and pits, endure elements, summon nature's ally I; 2nd - bull's strength, pass without trace, summon nature's ally II; 3rd - snare, summon nature's ally III; 4th - insect plague, summon nature's ally IV; 5th - commune with nature, summon nature's ally V; 6th - creeping doom, reincarnate, summon nature's ally VI. Simple Variant A rare bard might display a special link to nature and the mysterious world of the fey. Such characters tend to be more aloof and less inspiring than standard bards. Gain Animal companion (as druid), nature sense (as druid), resist nature's lure (as druid), wild empathy (as druid). Lose Bardic knowledge, inspire courage, inspire competence, inspire greatness, inspire heroics. CLERIC VARIANTSCloistered Cleric The cloistered cleric spends more time than other clerics in study and prayer and less in martial training. He gives up some of the cleric's combat prowess in exchange for greater skill access and a wider range of spells devoted to knowledge (and the protection of knowledge).Most cloistered clerics are nonchaotic, since they believe that a disciplined lifestyle lends itself better to learning. Hit Die The cloistered cleric uses a d6 for his Hit Die (and has hit points at 1st level equal to 6 + Con modifier). Base Attack Bonus The cloistered cleric's lack of martial training means that he uses the poor base attack bonus. Class Skills The cloistered cleric's class skill list includes Decipher Script, Speak Language, and all Knowledge skills (from the Knowledge domain, see below). The cloistered cleric gains skill points per level equal to 6 + Int modifier (and has this number x4 at 1st level). CLASS FEATURES The cloistered cleric has all the standard cleric class features, except as noted below. Weapon and Armor Proficiency Cloistered clerics are proficient with simple weapons and with light armor. Lore (Ex) Thanks to long hours of study, a cloistered cleric has a wide range of stray knowledge. This ability is identical to the bard's bardic knowledge class feature, using the cloistered cleric's class level in place of the bard level. Deity, Domains, and Domain Spells Most cloistered clerics worship deities associated with knowledge and learning.In addition to any domains selected from his deity's list, a cloistered cleric automatically gains the Knowledge domain as a bonus domain (even if the Knowledge domain is not normally available to clerics of that deity). He gains the Knowledge domain granted power and may select his bonus domain spell from the Knowledge domain or from one of his two regular domains. Spellcasting Add the following spells to the cloistered cleric's class spell list:
0 - message; 1st - erase, identify, unseen servant; 2nd - fox's cunning; 3rd - illusory script, secret page, tongues (reduced from 4th level); 4th - detect scrying; 6th - analyze dweomer; 7th - sequester; 9th - vision. Simple Variant Some clerics prefer to be champions of good (or evil), standing at the forefront of the battle against the enemy. Gain Smite evil, if the cleric would normally channel positive energy, or smite good, if the cleric would normally channel negative energy (as paladin); aura of courage (as paladin). Lose Turn undead. DRUID VARIANTS Druidic Avenger The druidic avenger channels her inner fury to wreak vengeance upon those who injure the natural world. This comes at a price, however, since the avenger must give up some of her own sensitivity to nature. Class Skills Add Intimidate to the avenger's list of class skills. Eliminate Diplomacy from the avenger's list of class skills. CLASS FEATURES The druidic avenger has all the standard druid class features, except as noted below. Animal Companion An avenger does not gain the service of an animal companion. Fast Movement (Ex) A druidic avenger's base land speed is faster than the norm for her race by 10 feet. This ability is identical to the barbarian ability of the same name. Rage (Ex) An avenger can enter a furious rage, identical to that of a barbarian. An avenger can use this ability once per day at 1st level, and one additional time per day for every five levels above 1st.An avenger does not gain the greater rage, indomitable will, or mighty rage abilities. Spontaneous Casting An avenger cannot channel stored spell energy into summoning spells. Tireless Rage (Ex) At 17th level and higher, an avenger no longer becomes fatigued at the end of her rage. Wild Empathy A druidic avenger takes a -4 penalty on wild empathy checks. Simple Variant The druid might choose to give up her wild shape ability in exchange for becoming a swift and deadly hunter. Gain Bonus to Armor Class when unarmored (as monk, including Wisdom bonus to AC), fast movement (as monk), favored enemy (as ranger), swift tracker (as ranger), Track feat (as ranger). Lose Armor and shield proficiency, wild shape (all versions). FIGHTER VARIANTSThug The thug is a street fighter, a survivor who learns to mix brute force with a bit of craftiness. He has most of the fighter's strengths, along with some additional skills to help keep him alive on the mean streets. Despite the name, not all thugs are mere hooligans - many are crafty veterans who use their knowledge of the streets to gain an advantage against their opponents.Most thugs are nonlawful, though sometimes gangs of thugs with a lawful streak band together. Class Skills Add the following skills to the fighter's class skill list: Bluff, Gather Information, Knowledge (local), and Sleight of Hand. The thug gains skill points per level equal to 4 + Int modifier (and has this number x4 at 1st level). CLASS FEATURES The thug has all the standard fighter class features, except as noted below. Weapon and Armor Proficiency Thugs are proficient with all simple and martial weapons and with light armor. Bonus Feats A thug doesn't gain the normal fighter bonus feat at 1st level. Also, add Urban Tracking to the list of fighter bonus feats available to the thug. Simple Variant Some fighters prefer stealth and cunning over martial skill. This variant can also be combined with the thug variant described earlier in this chapter. Gain Sneak attack (as rogue). Lose Bonus feats. MONK VARIANTSFighting Styles In literature and lore, the combat styles and aptitudes of a monk depend greatly on where (or by whom) she was trained. The standard monk, however, presents only a relatively limited variety of options to personalize your monk.A 1st-level monk (regardless of character level) may select one of the fighting styles described below. By selecting one of these fighting styles, she dictates which bonus feats she gains at 1st, 2nd, and 6th level (when a standard monk normally gains one of two bonus feats). In addition, at 1st level she gets a +2 bonus on checks involving a skill of her selection (in exchange for the freedom of choice she gives up by preselecting her bonus feats). Finally, she gains a bonus ability at 6th level if she has met the listed prerequisites by that time. If the character hasn't yet met the prerequisites, she doesn't gain the bonus ability, even if she meets the prerequisites at some later time. These fighting styles serve a variety of purposes in a campaign. Each one might symbolize a different monastery, creating a rivalry (friendly or unfriendly) between their students. Perhaps a specific master teaches each style only to a few select students, meaning that a monk must prove herself worthy before pursuing the training. Or maybe each monk simply chooses her own way in life, styling herself after great martial artists of the past. A monk can abandon her fighting style by selecting a different bonus feat at 2nd or 6th level; however, if she does so, she loses the bonus on skill checks gained at 1st level and never gains the bonus ability of the fighting style (even if she meets the prerequisites). COBRA STRIKE Monks of the Cobra Strike School specialize in agility and defense. By making herself hard to pin down, the Cobra Strike monk forces the enemy to fight on her terms.DENYING STANCE The Denying Stance monk seeks to neutralize the opponent's maneuvers, thwarting him at every turn until he becomes so frustrated that he makes a crucial error.HAND AND FOOT Students of the Hand and Foot style learn to use their appendages for both offense and defense.1st-Level Skill Bonus: | Balance. |
1st-Level Feat: | Stunning Fist. |
2nd-Level Feat: | Deflect Arrows. |
6th-Level Feat: | Improved Trip. |
6th-Level Bonus Ability: | You gain a +2 bonus on attacks of opportunity made against an opponent attempting to bull rush or trip you, and a +4 bonus on Dexterity or Strength checks to avoid being tripped or bull rushed. |
Prerequisites: | Balance 9 ranks, Tumble 4 ranks. |
INVISIBLE EYE Monks of the Invisible Eye rely on their senses, particularly hearing, to aid them in combat.OVERWHELMING ATTACK A monk trained in the Overwhelming Attack style always presses the advantage, preferring a showy display of all-out offense to any form of defense.PASSIVE WAY The Passive Way focuses on making your opponent overreach himself or underestimate your skill.SLEEPING TIGER The Sleeping Tiger style mixes smooth motions with powerful strikes. It favors a quick, first strike approach, preferably from a position of ambush.1st-Level Skill Bonus: | Hide. |
1st-Level Feat: | Weapon Finesse. |
2nd-Level Feat: | Improved Initiative. |
6th-Level Feat: | Improved Sunder. |
6th-Level Bonus Ability: | Once per round, when an opponent would be denied his Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, the monk deals an extra 1d6 points of damage with a melee attack made with a light weapon. Any creature immune to sneak attacks is immune to this ability. |
Prerequisites: | Hide 9 ranks, Power Attack. |
UNDYING WAY Monks of the Undying Way believe in patience above all else. They work to outlast their opponents by means of superior endurance.Simple Variant A monk might choose to give up some of her mobility in exchange for the ability to withstand attacks. Gain Damage reduction (as barbarian). Lose Enhancement bonus to unarmored speed, bonus to Armor Class when unarmored (retain Wisdom bonus to AC when unarmored). PALADIN VARIANTSFreedom, Slaughter, and Tyranny The three paladin variants presented here demonstrate examples of alternative-alignment paladins. Each one follows a specific code of conduct tailored to its specific alignment. The paladin of freedom is chaotic good, dedicated to liberty and free thought. The paladin of tyranny is the opposite, a lawful evil villain bent on dominating those weaker than she. The paladin of slaughter is a brutal champion of chaos and evil who leaves only destruction trailing in his wake. (If you use these versions of the paladin class, you might consider designating the standard paladin as the "paladin of honor" to differentiate it from the variants.)These paladin variants aren't meant to be unique classes in and of themselves, but rather alignment-based variations of the paladin. They have the same Hit Die, skill points per level, weapon and armor proficiencies, and spells per day as the standard paladin. Their class skill lists are nearly identical, with exceptions noted below. Their spellcasting functions identically to that of the standard paladin (though their spell lists are somewhat different). When a class feature has the same name as a paladin class feature, it functions the same as the one described for the standard paladin. Table: Variant Paladin Class FeaturesLevel | Freedom | Tyranny | Slaughter |
1st | Aura of good, detect evil, smite evil 1/day | Aura of evil, detect good, smite good 1/day | Aura of evil, detect good, smite good 1/day | 2nd | Divine grace, lay on hands | Divine grace, deadly touch | Divine grace, deadly touch | 3rd | Aura of resolve, divine health | Aura of despair, divine health | Debilitating aura, divine health | 4th | Turn undead | Rebuke undead | Rebuke undead | 5th | Smite evil 2/day, special mount | Smite good 2/day, special mount | Smite good 2/day, special mount | 6th | Remove disease 1/week | Cause disease 1/week | Cause disease 1/week | 7th | ? | ? | ? | 8th | ? | ? | ? | 9th | Remove disease 2/week | Cause disease 2/week | Cause disease 2/week | 10th | Smite evil 3/day | Smite good 3/day | Smite good 3/day | 11th | ? | ? | ? | 12th | Remove disease 3/week | Cause disease 3/week | Cause disease 3/week | 13th | ? | ? | ? | 14th | ? | ? | ? | 15th | Remove disease 4/week, smite evil 4/day | cause disease 4/week, smite good 4/day | cause disease 4/week, smite good 4/day | 16th | ? | ? | ? | 17th | ? | ? | ? | 18th | Remove disease 5/week | Cause disease 5/week | Cause disease 5/week | 19th | ? | ? | ? | 20th | Smite evil 5/day | Smite good 5/day | Smite good 5/day |
PALADIN OF FREEDOM CLASS FEATURES The paladin of freedom has all the standard paladin class features, except as noted below. Class Skills Replace Diplomacy with Bluff on the class skill list. Aura of Resolve (Su) Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin of freedom is immune to compulsion effects. Each ally within 10 feet of him gains a +4 morale bonus on saving throws against compulsion effects. This ability otherwise functions identically to the paladin's aura of courage class feature. Spellcasting Remove the following spells from the paladin's spell list: death ward, discern lies, dispel chaos, magic circle against chaos, protection from chaos.Add the following spells to the paladin's spell list: 1st - protection from law; 3rd - magic circle against law, remove curse; 4th - dispel law, freedom of movement. Code of Conduct A paladin of freedom must be of chaotic good alignment and loses all class abilities if he ever willingly commits an evil act. Additionally, a paladin of freedom's code requires that he respect individual liberty, help those in need (provided they do not use the help for lawful or evil ends), and punish those who threaten or curtail personal liberty. Associates While he may adventure with characters of any good or neutral alignment, a paladin of freedom will never knowingly associate with evil characters (except on some sort of undercover mission), nor will he continue an association with someone who consistently offends his moral code. A paladin of freedom may accept only henchmen, followers, or cohorts who are chaotic good. PALADIN OF SLAUGHTER CLASS FEATURES The paladin of slaughter has all the standard paladin class features, except as noted below. Class Skills Replace Diplomacy with Intimidate on the class skill list. Aura of Evil (Ex) The power of a paladin of slaughter's aura of evil (see the detect evil spell) is equal to her paladin of slaughter level, just as with the aura of a cleric of an evil deity. Detect Good (Sp) At will, a paladin of slaughter can use detect good, as the spell. Smite Good (Su) Once per day, a paladin of slaughter may attempt to smite good with one normal melee attack. This ability is otherwise identical to the standard paladin's ability to smite evil, including increased daily uses as the paladin of slaughter gains class levels. Deadly Touch (Su) Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin of slaughter can cause wounds with a successful touch attack. Each day she can deal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level x her Charisma bonus. An opponent subjected to this attack can make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 paladin level + paladin's Cha modifier) to halve the damage dealt.Alternatively, a paladin of slaughter can use any or all of this power to cure damage to undead creatures, just as an inflict wounds spell does. This power otherwise functions identically to the paladin's lay on hands ability. Debilitating Aura (Su) Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin of slaughter radiates a malign aura that causes enemies within 10 feet of her to take a -1 penalty to Armor Class. This ability otherwise functions identically to the paladin's aura of courage class feature. Rebuke Undead (Su) A paladin of slaughter rebukes undead rather than turning undead. Cause Disease (Sp) A paladin of slaughter can inflict disease with her touch (as the contagion spell) a number of times per week that a standard paladin of her level would normally be able to remove disease. Spellcasting Replace the standard paladin's spell list with the following spell list:
1st - bane, cause fear, corrupt weapon, create water, curse water, detect poison, detect undead, divine favor, endure elements, inflict light wounds, magic weapon, protection from good, protection from law, read magic, resistance, virtue; 2nd - bull's strength, cure light wounds, darkness, delay poison, eagle's splendor, inflict moderate wounds, owls wisdom, resist energy, undetectable alignment; 3rd - blindness/deafness, cure moderate wounds, deeper darkness, dispel magic, greater magic weapon, heal mount, inflict serious wounds, magic circle against good/law, prayer; 4th - break enchantment, cure serious wounds, dispel good, dispel law, inflict critical wounds, poison, unholy sword. Code of Conduct A paladin of slaughter must be of chaotic evil alignment and loses all class abilities if she ever willingly commits a good act. Additionally, a paladin of slaughter's code requires that she disrespect all authority figures who have not proven their physical superiority to her, refuse help to those in need, and sow destruction and death at all opportunities. Associates While she may adventure with characters of any evil or neutral alignment, a paladin of slaughter will never knowingly associate with good characters, nor will she continue an association with someone who consistently offends her moral code. A paladin of slaughter may accept only henchmen, followers, and cohorts who are chaotic evil. PALADIN OF TYRANNY CLASS FEATURES The paladin of tyranny has all the standard paladin class features, except as noted below. Aura of Evil (Ex) The power of a paladin of tyranny's aura of evil (see the detect evil spell) is equal to his paladin of tyranny level, just as with the aura of a cleric of an evil deity. Detect Good (Sp) At will, a paladin of tyranny can use detect good, as the spell. Smite Good (Su) Once per day, a paladin of tyranny may attempt to smite good with one normal melee attack. This ability is otherwise identical to the standard paladin's ability to smite evil, including increased daily uses as the paladin of tyranny gains class levels. Deadly Touch (Su) Beginning at 2nd level, a paladin of tyranny can cause wounds with a successful touch attack. Each day she can deal a total number of hit points of damage equal to her paladin level x her Charisma bonus. An opponent subjected to this attack can make a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 paladin level paladin's Cha modifier) to halve the damage dealt.Alternatively, a paladin of tyranny can use any or all of this power to cure damage to undead creatures, just as an inflict wounds spell does. This power otherwise functions identically to the paladin's lay on hands ability. Aura of Despair (Su) Beginning at 3rd level, a paladin of tyranny radiates a malign aura that causes enemies within 10 feet of him to take a -2 penalty on all saving throws. This ability otherwise functions identically to the paladin's aura of courage class feature. Rebuke Undead (Su) A paladin of tyranny rebukes undead rather than turning undead. Cause Disease (Sp) A paladin of tyranny can inflict disease with his touch (as the contagion spell) a number of times per week that a standard paladin of her level would normally be able to remove disease. Spellcasting Replace the paladin's spell list with the following spell list:
1st - bane, corrupt weapon, create water, curse water, detect poison, detect undead, divine favor, doom, endure elements, inflict light wounds, magic weapon, protection from chaos, protection from good, read magic, resistance, virtue; 2nd - bull's strength, cure light wounds, darkness, delay poison, eagle's splendor, hold person, inflict moderate wounds, owl's wisdom, resist energy, undetectable alignment; 3rd - bestow curse, cure moderate wounds, deeper darkness, discern lies, dispel magic, greater magic weapon, heal mount, inflict serious wounds, magic circle against chaos/good, prayer; 4th - break enchantment, cure serious wounds, dispel chaos, dispel good, dominate person, inflict critical wounds, unholy sword. Code of conduct A paladin of tyranny must be of lawful evil alignment and loses all class abilities if he ever willingly commits a good act. Additionally, a paladin of tyranny's code requires that he respect authority figures as long as they have the strength to rule over the weak, act with discipline (not engaging in random slaughter, keeping firm control over those beneath his station, and so forth), help only those who help him maintain or improve his status, and punish those who challenge authority (unless, of course, such challengers prove more worthy to hold that authority). Associates While he may adventure with characters of any evil or neutral alignment, a paladin of tyranny will never knowingly associate with good characters unless it serves his needs, nor will he continue an association with someone who consistently offends his moral code. A paladin of tyranny may accept henchmen and followers of any alignment, but may only accept cohorts who are lawful evil. Simple Variant The paladin who takes an active role in hunting her foul enemies must give up her defensive powers. Gain Favored enemy (as ranger; may only select aberrations, dragons, giants, monstrous humanoids, evil outsiders, or undead). Lose Lay on hands, turn undead, remove disease. RANGER VARIANTSPlanar Ranger The planar ranger roams the multiverse instead of the wilderness, learning the secrets of the planes. Class Skills Eliminate Knowledge (nature) and Knowledge (dungeoneering) from the ranger's class skill list.Add Knowledge (the planes) and Speak Language (Abyssal, Aquan, Auran, Celestial, Ignan, Infernal, Terran only) to the class skill list. CLASS FEATURES The planar ranger has all the standard ranger class features, except as noted below. Wild Empathy A planar ranger takes no penalty on wild empathy checks made to influence magical beasts with the celestial or fiendish templates. However, he takes a -4 penalty when using this ability against animals. Animal Companion A nonevil planar ranger may have a celestial version of a normal animal as his animal companion. A nongood ranger may have a fiendish version of a normal animal as his animal companion. Spellcasting A planar ranger's spellcasting ability is largely unchanged from that of the standard ranger, with one exception: Any ranger spell that normally affects animals also affects celestial or fiendish versions of animals when cast by a planar ranger. Urban Ranger The urban ranger stalks the treacherous streets of the city, relying on his knowledge of alleyways and underworld contacts to keep him alive. Class Skills Eliminate Knowledge (nature), Knowledge (dungeoneering), and Survival from the ranger's class skill list. Add Gather Information, Knowledge (local), and Sense Motive to the class skill list. CLASS FEATURES The urban ranger has all the standard ranger class features, except as noted below. Animal Companion An urban ranger cannot have an animal larger than Medium as his animal companion. Urban Tracking An urban ranger does not gain the Track feat at 1st level. Instead, he gains the Urban Tracking feat (see below), which allows him to use Gather Information to track down a missing person, suspect, or other individual within a community. Wild Empathy An urban ranger adds only one-half his class level to wild empathy checks, reflecting his limited connection with the natural world. Favored Enemy At the game master's discretion, an urban ranger may select an organization instead of a creature type as his favored enemy. For example, a character might select a particular thieves' guild, merchant house, or even the city guard. The favored enemy bonuses would apply to all members of the chosen organization, regardless of their creature type or subtype. Spellcasting The urban ranger's spell list is different from the standard ranger list. The following spells are eliminated from the urban ranger's spell list: animal messenger, charm animal, detect animals or plants, speak with animals, bear's endurance, hold animal, snare, speak with plants, command plants, diminish plants, plant growth, reduce animal, tree shape, water walk, commune with nature, and tree stride.In exchange, the urban ranger adds the following spells to his class spell list: 1st - comprehend languages, detect chaos/good/evil/law, detect secret doors, message; 2nd - detect thoughts, eagle's splendor, knock, locate object; 3rd - discern lies, invisibility, speak with dead, tongues; 4th - dimensional anchor, locate creature, mage's faithful hound, true seeing. Woodland Stride An urban ranger does not gain this ability. Swift Tracker (Ex) Beginning at 8th level, am urban ranger may make a Gather Information check for his Urban Tracking feat every half hour without taking the normal -5 penalty. Camouflage An urban ranger does not gain this ability. Hide in Plain Sight (Ex) An urban ranger can use this ability in any area, whether natural terrain or not. URBAN TRACKING [GENERAL]Community Size | DC | Checks Required |
Thorp, hamlet, or village | 5 | 1d3 | Small or large town | 10 | 1d4+1 | Small or large city | 15 | 2d4 | Metropolis | 20 | 2d4+2 |
Conditions | DC Modifier |
Every three creatures in the group being sought | -1 | Every 24 hours party has been missing/sought | +1 | Tracked party "lies low" | +5 | Tracked party matches community's primary racial demographic | +2 | Tracked party does not match community's primary, or secondary racial demographic | -2 |
You can track down the location of missing persons or wanted individuals within communities. Benefit: To find the trail of an individual or to follow it for 1 hour requires a Gather Information check. You must make another Gather Information check every hour of the search, as well as each time the trail becomes difficult to follow, such as when it moves to a different area of town.The DC of the check, and the number of checks required to track down your quarry, depends on the community size and the conditions: If you fail a Gather Information check, you can retry after 1 hour of questioning. The game master should roll the number of checks required secretly, so that the player doesn't know exactly how long the task will require. Normal: A character without this feat can use Gather Information to find out information about a particular individual, but each check takes 1d4+1 hours and doesn't allow effective trailing. Special: A character with 5 ranks in Knowledge (local) gains a +2 bonus on the Gather Information check to use this feat.You can cut the time between Gather Information checks in half (to 30 minutes per check rather than 1 hour), but you take a -5 penalty on the check. Simple Variant A ranger might forgo training in weapon combat in exchange for the ability to take animal form and move swiftly through the woodlands. Gain Wild shape (as druid; Small or Medium animals only), fast movement (as barbarian). Lose Combat style, improved combat style, combat style mastery. ROGUE VARIANTSWilderness Rogue The wilderness rogue prefers to put her skills to use in the great outdoors, rather than in cramped alleys and dungeon corridors. In many ways, she is similar to the traditional ranger, though with less combat savvy and with none of the ranger's divine link to the natural world. Class Skills Remove the following rogue class skills from the wilderness rogue's class skill list: Appraise, Diplomacy, Decipher Script, Forgery, and Gather Information.Add the following skills to the wilderness rogue's class skill list: Handle Animal, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), Ride, and Survival. CLASS FEATURES The wilderness rogue has all the standard rogue class features, except as noted below. Special Abilities Add woodland stride (as the 7th-level ranger ability), camouflage (as the 13th-level ranger ability) and hide in plain sight (as the 17th-level ranger ability, requires the rogue to already have the camouflage ability) to the list of special abilities that can be chosen by the wilderness rogue. Simple Variant The rogue who favors martial training over stealth and cunning can profit if she chooses her fights carefully. Gain Bonus feats (as fighter). Lose Sneak attack. SORCERER VARIANTSBattle Sorcerer The battle sorcerer is no weak arcanist, hiding behind the fighters. Instead, she is a capable physical combatant who mixes magical prowess with fighting skill. Hit Die d8. Base Attack Bonus The battle sorcerer uses the base attack bonus progression of the cleric. Class Skills Remove Bluff from the battle sorcerer's class skill list. Add Intimidate to the battle sorcerer's class skill list. CLASS FEATURES The battle sorcerer has all the standard sorcerer class features, except as noted below. Weapon and Armor Proficiency At 1st level, a battle sorcerer gains proficiency with any light or one-handed martial weapon of the character's choice. She also gains proficiency with light armor. Spellcasting A battle sorcerer can cast sorcerer spells derived from her class levels of battle sorcerer while in light armor without the normal arcane spell failure chance.A battle sorcerer has fewer daily spell slots than a standard sorcerer. Subtract one spell per day from each spell level on Table: The Sorcerer (to a minimum of zero spells per day). For example, a 1st-level battle sorcerer may cast four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells per day (plus bonus spells, if any). A battle sorcerer knows fewer spells per spell level than a standard sorcerer. Subtract one spell known from each spell level on Table: Sorcerer Spells Known (to a minimum of one spell per spell level). For example, a 4th-level battle sorcerer knows five 0-level spells, two 1st-level spells, and one 2nd-level spell. When she reaches 5th level, the battle sorcerer learns one additional 1st-level spell, but doesn't learn an additional 2nd-level spell (since two minus one is one). Simple Variant A sorcerer or wizard might desire a more durable companion to accompany him on excursions into the wilderness. Gain Animal companion (as druid; treat sorcerer or wizard as a druid ofhalf his class level). Lose Familiar. WIZARD VARIANTSDomain Wizard A wizard who uses the arcane domain system (called a domain wizard) selects a specific arcane domain of spells, much like a cleric selects a pair of domains associated with his deity. A domain wizard cannot also be a specialist wizard; in exchange for the versatility given up by specializing in a domain instead of an entire school, the domain wizard casts her chosen spells with increased power.Some of the arcane domains described below have the same name as a divine domain. Regardless of any apparent similarity, these domains have no connection to one another. CLASS FEATURES The domain wizard has all the standard wizard class features, except as noted below. Arcane Domain At 1st level, a domain wizard selects an arcane domain from those listed below. (At the game master's discretion, the player might create an alternatively themed domain instead.) Once selected, the domain may never be changed.A domain wizard automatically adds each new domain spell to her list of known spells as soon as she becomes able to cast it. These spells do not count against her two new spells known per wizard level. A domain wizard casts spells from her chosen domain (regardless of whether the spell was prepared as a domain spell or a normal spell) as a caster one level higher than her normal level. This bonus applies only to the spells listed for the domain, not all spells of the school or subtype whose name matches the domain name. In some cases, an arcane domain includes spells not normally on the wizard's class spell list. These spells are treated as being on the character's class spell list (and thus she can use wands or arcane scrolls that hold those spells, or even prepare those spells in her normal wizard spell slots). Spellcasting A domain wizard prepares and casts spells like a normal wizard. However, a domain wizard gains one bonus spell per spell level, which must be filled with the spell from that level of the domain spell list (or with a lower-level domain spell that has been altered with a metamagic feat). No Prohibited Schools Unlike a specialist wizard, a domain wizard need not select any prohibited schools or domains. All wizard spells are available to her to learn. ABJURATION DOMAIN0 - resistance; 1st - shield; 2nd - resist energy;3rd - dispel magic; 4th - remove curse; 5th - mage's private sanctum;6th - greater dispel magic; 7th - banishment; 8th - mind blank; 9th - prismatic sphere. ANTIMAGIC DOMAIN0 - detect magic; 1st - protection from chaos/evil/good/law; 2nd - obscure object; 3rd - dispel magic; 4th - lesser globe of invulnerability; 5th - break enchantment; 6th - antimagic field; 7th - spell turning; 8th - protection from spells; 9th - mage's disjunction. BATTLE DOMAIN0 - daze; 1st - true strike; 2nd - protection from arrows; 3rd - greater magic weapon; 4th - fire shield; 5th - interposing hand; 6th - transformation; 7th - power word blind; 8th - moment of prescience; 9th - time stop. COLD DOMAIN0 - ray of frost; 1st - chill touch; 2nd - chill metal (as 2nd-level druid spell); 3rd - sleet storm; 4th - wall of ice; 5th - cone of cold; 6th - freezing sphere; 7th - delayed blast frostball (as delayed blast fireball, but deals cold damage instead of fire damage); 8th - polar ray; 9th - comet swarm (as meteor swarm, but deals cold damage instead of fire damage). CONJURATION DOMAIN0 - acid splash; 1st - mage armor; 2nd - web;3rd - stinking cloud; 4th - summon monster IV; 5th - wall of stone; 6th - acid fog; 7th - summon monster VII; 8th - maze; 9th - gate. DIVINATION DOMAIN0 - detect magic; 1st - detect secret doors; 2nd - see invisibility; 3rd - arcane sight; 4th - arcane eye; 5th - prying eyes; 6th - true seeing; 7th - greater arcane sight; 8th - discern location; 9th - foresight. ENCHANTMENT DOMAIN0 - daze; 1st - charm person; 2nd - hideous laughter; 3rd - suggestion; 4th - confusion; 5th - hold monster; 6th - greater heroism; 7th - insanity; 8th - mass charm monster; 9th - dominate monster. EVOCATION DOMAIN0 - light; 1st - magic missile; 2nd - flaming sphere; 3rd - lightning bolt; 4th - shout; 5th - wall of force; 6th - forceful hand; 7th - mage's sword; 8th - telekinetic sphere; 9th - crushing hand. FIRE DOMAIN0 - flare; 1st - burning hands; 2nd - scorching ray; 3rd - fireball; 4th - wall of fire; 5th - cone of fire (as cone of cold, but deals fire damage instead of cold damage); 6th - summon monster VI (fire creatures only); 7th - delayed blast fireball; 8th - incendiary cloud; 9th - meteor swarm. ILLUSION DOMAIN0 - ghost sound; 1st - disguise self; 2nd - invisibility; 3rd - major image; 4th - phantasmal killer; 5th - shadow evocation; 6th - mislead; 7th - mass invisibility; 8th - scintillating pattern; 9th - shades. NECROMANCY DOMAIN0 - disrupt undead; 1st - ray of enfeeblement; 2nd - false life; 3rd - vampiric touch; 4th - fear; 5th - waves of fatigue; 6th - circle of death; 7th - control undead; 8th - horrid wilting; 9th - energy drain. STORM DOMAIN0 - ray of frost; 1st - obscuring mist (as 1st-level cleric spell); 2nd - gust of wind; 3rd - lightning bolt; 4th - ice storm; 5th - control winds (as 5th-level druid spell); 6th - chain lightning; 7th - control weather; 8th - whirlwind (as 8th-level druid spell); 9th - storm of vengeance (as 9th-level cleric spell). TRANSMUTATION DOMAIN0 - mage hand; 1st - expeditious retreat; 2nd - levitate; 3rd - haste; 4th - polymorph; 5th - baleful polymorph; 6th - disintegrate; 7th - reverse gravity; 8th - iron body; 9th - shapechange. Simple Variant Some wizards trade their knowledge of magic and craft to improve their combat prowess. Gain Bonus feat list (as fighter; bonus feats gained at 1st level and every five levels as wizard). Lose Scribe Scroll, wizard bonus feat list.Wizards can also take the simple sorcerer variant.