![]() | System Reference Document v3.5 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
MonstersEagle - FungusEAGLE, GIANT![]() A typical giant eagle stands about 10 feet tall, has a wingspan of up to 20 feet, and resembles its smaller cousins in nearly every way except size. It weighs about 500 pounds. Giant eagles speak Common and Auran. COMBATA giant eagle typically attacks from a great height, diving earthward at tremendous speed. When it cannot dive, it uses its powerful talons and slashing beak to strike at its target’s head and eyes. A solitary giant eagle is typically hunting or patrolling in the vicinity of its nest and generally ignores creatures that do not appear threatening. A mated pair attacks in concert, making repeated diving attacks to drive away intruders, and fights to the death to defend their nest or hatchlings. Evasion (Ex): With a successful Reflex save against an attack that allows a Reflex save for half damage, a giant eagle takes no damage. Skills: Giant eagles have a +4 racial bonus on Spot checks. TRAINING A GIANT EAGLEAlthough intelligent, a giant eagle requires training before it can bear a rider in combat. To be trained, a giant eagle must have a friendly attitude toward the trainer (this can be achieved through a successful Diplomacy check). Training a friendly giant eagle requires six weeks of work and a DC 25 Handle Animal check. Riding a giant eagle requires an exotic saddle. A giant eagle can fight while carrying a rider, but the rider cannot also attack unless he or she succeeds on a Ride check. Giant eagle eggs are worth 2,500 gp apiece on the open market, while chicks are worth 4,000 gp each. Professional trainers charge 1,000 gp to rear or train a giant eagle. Carrying Capacity: A light load for a giant eagle is up to 300 pounds; a medium load, 301–600 pounds; and a heavy load, 601–900 pounds. ELEMENTALElementals are incarnations of the elements that compose existence. COMBATElementals have varied combat abilities and tactics, but all have the same elemental qualities. AIR ELEMENTAL
Air elementals speak Auran, though they rarely choose to do so. CombatTheir rapid speed makes air elementals useful on vast battlefields or in extended aerial combat. Air Mastery (Ex): Airborne creatures take a –1 penalty on attack and damage rolls against an air elemental. Whirlwind (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlwind once every 10 minutes and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In this form, the elemental can move through the air or along a surface at its fly speed. The whirlwind is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and up to 50 feet tall, depending on the elemental’s size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet. The elemental’s movement while in whirlwind form does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if the elemental enters the space another creature occupies. Another creature might be caught in the whirlwind if it touches or enters the whirlwind, or if the elemental moves into or through the creature’s space. Creatures one or more size categories smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the whirlwind (see the table below for details) and may be lifted into the air. An affected creature must succeed on a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the whirlwind or take the indicated damage. It must also succeed on a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful winds, automatically taking the indicated damage each round. A creature that can fly is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the whirlwind. The creature still takes damage but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the whirlwind’s effects varies with the elemental’s size (see the table). The save DC is Strength based. Creatures trapped in the whirlwind cannot move except to go where the elemental carries them or to escape the whirlwind. Creatures caught in the whirlwind can otherwise act normally, but must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a –4 penalty to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. The elemental can have only as many creatures trapped inside the whirlwind at one time as will fit inside the whirlwind’s volume. The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the whirlwind happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane. If the whirlwind’s base touches the ground, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the whirlwind’s height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must succeed on a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell. An elemental in whirlwind form cannot make slam attacks and does not threaten the area around it. Air Elemental Sizes
Earth elementals speak Terran but rarely choose to do so. CombatThough an earth elemental moves slowly, it is a relentless opponent. It can travel though solid ground or stone as easily as humans walk on the earth’s surface. It cannot swim, however, and must either walk around a body of water or go through the ground under it. An earth elemental can move along the bottom of a body of water but prefers not to. Earth Mastery (Ex): An earth elemental gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it and its foe are touching the ground. If an opponent is airborne or waterborne, the elemental takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.) Push (Ex): An earth elemental can start a bull rush maneuver without provoking an attack of opportunity. The combat modifiers given in Earth Mastery, above, also apply to the elemental’s opposed Strength checks. Earth Glide (Ex): An earth elemental can glide through stone, dirt, or almost any other sort of earth except metal as easily as a fish swims through water. Its burrowing leaves behind no tunnel or hole, nor does it create any ripple or other signs of its presence. A move earth spell cast on an area containing a burrowing earth elemental flings the elemental back 30 feet, stunning the creature for 1 round unless it succeeds on a DC 15 Fortitude save. Earth Elemental Sizes
A fire elemental cannot enter water or any other nonflammable liquid. A body of water is an impassible barrier unless the fire elemental can step or jump over it. Fire elementals speak Ignan, though they rarely choose to do so. CombatA fire elemental is a fierce opponent that attacks its enemies directly and savagely. It takes joy in burning the creatures and objects of the Material Plane to ashes. Burn (Ex): A fire elemental’s slam attack deals bludgeoning damage plus fire damage from the elemental’s flaming body. Those hit by a fire elemental‘s slam attack also must succeed on a Reflex save or catch on fire. The flame burns for 1d4 rounds. The save DC varies with the elemental’s size (see the table below). A burning creature can take a move action to put out the flame. The save DC is Constitution- based. Creatures hitting a fire elemental with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the elemental’s attack, and also catch on fire unless they succeed on a Reflex save. Fire Elemental Sizes
A water elemental can’t venture more than 180 feet from the body of water from which it was conjured. Water elementals speak Aquan but rarely choose to do so. CombatA water elemental prefers to fight in a large body of water where it can disappear beneath the waves and suddenly swell up behind its opponents. Water Mastery (Ex): A water elemental gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls if both it and its opponent are touching water. If the opponent or the elemental is touching the ground, the elemental takes a –4 penalty on attack and damage rolls. (These modifiers are not included in the statistics block.) A water elemental can be a serious threat to a ship that crosses its path. An elemental can easily overturn small craft (5 feet of length per Hit Die of the elemental) and stop larger vessels (10 feet long per HD). Even large ships (20 feet long per HD) can be slowed to half speed. Drench (Ex): The elemental’s touch puts out torches, campfires, exposed lanterns, and other open flames of nonmagical origin if these are of Large size or smaller. The creature can dispel magical fire it touches as dispel magic (caster level equals elemental’s HD). Vortex (Su): The elemental can transform itself into a whirlpool once every 10 minutes, provided it is underwater, and remain in that form for up to 1 round for every 2 HD it has. In vortex form, the elemental can move through the water or along the bottom at its swim speed. The vortex is 5 feet wide at the base, up to 30 feet wide at the top, and 10 feet or more tall, depending on the elemental’s size. The elemental controls the exact height, but it must be at least 10 feet. The elemental’s movement while in vortex form does not provoke attacks of opportunity, even if the elemental enters the space another creature occupies. Another creature might be caught in the vortex if it touches or enters the vortex, or if the elemental moves into or through the creature’s space. Creatures one or more size categories smaller than the elemental might take damage when caught in the vortex (see the table below for details) and may be swept up by it. An affected creature must succeed on a Reflex save when it comes into contact with the vortex or take the indicated damage. It must also succeed on a second Reflex save or be picked up bodily and held suspended in the powerful currents, automatically taking damage each round. An affected creature is allowed a Reflex save each round to escape the vortex. The creature still takes damage, but can leave if the save is successful. The DC for saves against the vortex’s effects varies with the elemental’s size. The save DC is Strength-based. Creatures trapped in the vortex cannot move except to go where the elemental carries them or to escape the whirlwind. Creatures caught in the whirlwind can otherwise act normally, but must make a Concentration check (DC 10 + spell level) to cast a spell. Creatures caught in the whirlwind take a –4 penalty to Dexterity and a –2 penalty on attack rolls. The elemental can have only as many creatures trapped inside the vortex at one time as will fit inside the vortex’s volume. The elemental can eject any carried creatures whenever it wishes, depositing them wherever the vortex happens to be. A summoned elemental always ejects trapped creatures before returning to its home plane. If the vortex’s base touches the bottom, it creates a swirling cloud of debris. This cloud is centered on the elemental and has a diameter equal to half the vortex’s height. The cloud obscures all vision, including darkvision, beyond 5 feet. Creatures 5 feet away have concealment, while those farther away have total concealment. Those caught in the cloud must make a Concentration check (DC 15 + spell level) to cast a spell. An elemental in vortex form cannot make slam attacks and does not threaten the area around it. Skills: A water elemental has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. It can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. It can use the run action while swimming, provided it swims in a straight line. Water Elemental Sizes
Elves speak Elven, and most also know Common and Sylvan. Most elves encountered outside their homes are warriors; the information presented here is for one of 1st level. COMBATElves are cautious warriors and take time to analyze their opponents and the location of the fight if at all possible, maximizing their advantage by using ambushes, snipers, and camouflage. They prefer to fire from cover and retreat before they are found, repeating this maneuver until all of their enemies are dead. They prefer longbows, shortbows, rapiers, and longswords. In melee, elves are graceful and deadly, using complex maneuvers that are beautiful to observe. Their wizards often use sleep spells during combat because these won’t affect other elves. Elf Traits (Ex): Elves possess the following racial traits.
The elf warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. SUBRACESThe above information describes the high elf, the most common variety. There are five other major subraces of elf, in addition to half-elves, who share enough elven characteristics to be included here. Half-ElfHalf-elves are not truly an elf subrace, but they are often mistaken for elves. Half-elves usually inherit a good blend of their parents’ physical characteristics. Half-Elf Traits (Ex): Half-elves possess the following racial traits.
Aquatic ElfAlso called sea elves, these creatures are waterbreathing cousins to land-dwelling elves. Aquatic elves fight underwater with tridents, spears, and nets. Aquatic Elf Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the high elf traits, except where noted.
White is the most common hair color among drow, but almost any pale shade is possible. Drow tend to be smaller and thinner than other sorts of elves, and their eyes are often a vivid red. Drow usually coat their arrows with a potent venom. Poison (Ex): An opponent hit by a drow’s poisoned weapon must succeed on a DC 13 Fortitude save or fall unconscious. After 1 minute, the subject must succeed on another DC 13 Fortitude save or remain unconscious for 2d4 hours. A typical drow carries 1d4–1 doses of drow knockout poison. Drow typically coat arrows and crossbow bolts with this poison, but it can also be applied to a melee weapon. Note that drow have no special ability to apply poison without risking being poisoned themselves. Since this poison is not a magical effect, drow and other elves are susceptible to it. Drow Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the high elf traits, except where noted.
The drow warrior presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 13, Dex 11, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 9, Cha 8. Challenge Rating: Drow with levels in NPC classes have a CR equal to their character level. Drow with levels in PC classes have a CR equal to their character level +1. Gray ElfTaller and grander in physical appearance than others of their race, gray elves have a reputation for being aloof and arrogant (even by elven standards). They have either silver hair and amber eyes or pale golden hair and violet eyes. They prefer clothing of white, silver, yellow, or gold, with cloaks of deep blue or purple. Gray Elf Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the high elf traits.
Wild ElfWild elves are barbaric and tribal. Wild elves’ hair color ranges from black to light brown, lightening to silvery white with age. They dress in simple clothing of animal skins and basic plant weaves. Wild Elf Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the high elf traits, except where noted.
Wood ElfTheir hair color ranges from yellow to a coppery red, and they are more muscular than other elves. Their clothing is in dark shades of green and earth tones to better blend in with their natural surroundings. Wood Elf Traits (Ex): These traits are in addition to the high elf traits, except where noted.
ETHEREAL FILCHER![]() Ethereal filchers are bizarre-looking creatures with a penchant for snatching trinkets from passersby. Their ability to move quickly between the Ethereal Plane and the Material Plane makes them spectacular pickpockets. Ethereal filchers do not speak. COMBATAn ethereal filcher prowls about, using its ethereal jaunt ability to move about unseen (and often through solid objects). Upon locating a likely mark, it shifts to the Material Plane, attempting to catch its victim unaware. The creature attempts to seize an item, then retreats quickly back to the Ethereal Plane. It is not above delivering a bite to distract its target. Once it secures a trinket, it scurries back to its lair to admire its prize. When badly wounded, a filcher escapes rather than continuing the fight. Any number of simple ruses can blunt a filcher’s attack. Detect Magic (Su): Ethereal filchers can detect magic as the spell (caster level 5th) at will. Ethereal Jaunt (Su): An ethereal filcher can shift from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane as part of any move action, and shift back again as a free action. It can remain on the Ethereal Plane for 1 round before returning to the Material Plane. The ability is otherwise identical with the ethereal jaunt spell (caster level 15th). Skills: Ethereal filchers have a +8 racial bonus on Sleight of Hand checks, and a +4 racial bonus on Listen and Spot checks. ETHEREAL MARAUDER![]() Ethereal marauders live and hunt on the Ethereal Plane. Ethereal marauders’ coloration ranges from bright blue to deep violet. An ethereal marauder stands about 4 feet tall, but its overall length is about 7 feet. It weighs about 200 pounds. Ethereal marauders speak no known languages. Survivors of their attacks on the Material Plane claim that they emit an eerie, high whine that varies in pitch depending on the creature’s speed and health. COMBATOnce a marauder locates prey, it shifts to the Material Plane to attack, attempting to catch its victim flat-footed. The creature bites its victim, then retreats quickly back to the Ethereal Plane. When badly hurt or wounded, a marauder escapes to its home plane rather than continuing the fight. Ethereal Jaunt (Su): An ethereal marauder can shift from the Ethereal Plane to the Material Plane as a free action, and shift back again as a move action. The ability is otherwise identical with the ethereal jaunt spell (caster level 15th). Skills: Ethereal marauders have a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Move Silently, and Spot checks. ETTERCAP![]() An ettercap is about 6 feet tall and weighs about 200 pounds. Ettercaps speak Common. COMBATEttercaps are not brave creatures, but their cunning traps often ensure that the enemy never draws a weapon. When an ettercap does engage its enemies, it attacks with its keen-edged claws and venomous bite. It usually will not come within melee reach of any foe that is still able to move. Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 15, initial damage 1d6 Dex, secondary damage 2d6 Dex. The save DC is Constitution based and includes a +2 racial bonus. Web (Ex): An ettercap can throw a web eight times per day. This is similar to an attack with a net but has a maximum range of 50 feet, with a range increment of 10 feet, and is effective against targets of up to Medium size. The web anchors the target in place, allowing no movement. An entangled creature can escape with a DC 13 Escape Artist check or burst the web with a DC 17 Strength check. The check DCs are Constitution-based, and the Strength check DC includes a +4 racial bonus. The web has 6 hit points, hardness 0, and takes double damage from fire. Ettercaps can also create sheets of sticky webbing from 5 to 60 feet square. They usually position these to snare flying creatures but can also try to trap prey on the ground. Approaching creatures must succeed on a DC 20 Spot check to notice a web, or they stumble into it and become trapped as though by a successful web attack. Attempts to escape or burst the webbing receive a +5 bonus if the trapped creature has something to walk on or grab while pulling free. Each 5-foot-square section has 6 hit points, hardness 0, and takes double damage from fire. An ettercap can move across its own sheet web at its climb speed and can determine the exact location of any creature touching the web. Skills: Ettercaps have a +4 racial bonus on Craft (trapmaking), Hide, and Spot checks. They have a +8 racial bonus on Climb checks and can always choose to take 10 on Climb checks, even if rushed or threatened. ETTIN![]() Ettins, or two-headed giants, are vicious and unpredictable hunters that stalk the night. An ettin never bathes if it can help it, which usually leaves it so grimy and dirty its skin resembles thick, gray hide. Adult ettins are about 13 feet tall and weigh 5,200 pounds. They live about 75 years. Ettins have no language of their own but speak a pidgin of Orc, Goblin, and Giant. Creatures that can speak any of these languages must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence check to communicate with an ettin. Check once for each bit of information: If the other creature speaks two of these languages, the DC is 10, and for someone who speaks all three, the DC is 5. COMBATThough ettins aren’t very intelligent, they are cunning fighters. They prefer to ambush their victims rather than charge into a straight fight, but once the battle has started, an ettin usually fights furiously until all enemies are dead. Superior Two-Weapon Fighting (Ex): An ettin fights with a morningstar or javelin in each hand. Because each of its two heads controls an arm, the ettin does not take a penalty on attack or damage rolls for attacking with two weapons. Skills: An ettin’s two heads give it a +2 racial bonus on Listen, Spot, and Search checks. FIENDISH CREATUREFiendish creatures dwell on the lower planes, the realms of evil, although they resemble beings found on the Material Plane. They are more fearsome in appearance than their earthly counterparts. CREATING A FIENDISH CREATURE“Fiendish” is an inherited template that can be added to any corporeal aberration, animal, dragon, fey, giant, humanoid, magical beast, monstrous humanoid, ooze, plant, or vermin of nongood alignment (referred to hereafter as the base creature). A fiendish creature uses all the base creature’s statistics and abilities except as noted here. Do not recalculate the creature’s Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saves, or skill points if its type changes. Size and Type: Animals or vermin with this template become magical beasts, but otherwise the creature type is unchanged. Size is unchanged. Fiendish creatures encountered on the Material Plane have the extraplanar subtype. Special Attacks: A fiendish creature retains all the special attacks of the base creature and also gains the following special attack. Smite Good (Su): Once per day the creature can make a normal melee attack to deal extra damage equal to its HD total (maximum of +20) against a good foe. Special Qualities: A fiendish creature retains all the special qualities of the base creature and also gains the following.
If the base creature already has one or more of these special qualities, use the better value. If a fiendish creature gains damage reduction, its natural weapons are treated as magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Abilities: Same as the base creature, but Intelligence is at least 3. Environment: Any evil-aligned plane. Challenge Rating: HD 3 or less, as base creature; HD 4 to 7, as base creature +1; HD 8 or more, as base creature +2. Alignment: Always evil (any). Level Adjustment: Same as the base creature +2.
COMBATFormians are generally aggressive, seeking to subdue all they encounter. If they perceive even the slightest threat to their hive-city or to their queen, they attack immediately and fight to the death. Any formian also attacks immediately if ordered to do so by a superior. Hive Mind (Ex): All formians within 50 miles of their queen are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are. If one in a group is not flatfooted, none of them are. No formian in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are. WORKERWhile workers cannot speak, they can convey simple concepts (such as danger) by body movements. Through the hive mind, however, they can communicate just fine—although their intelligence still limits the concepts that they can grasp. A worker is about 3 feet long and about 2-1/2 feet high at the front. It weighs about 60 pounds. Its hands are suitable only for manual labor. CombatFormian workers fight only to defend their hive-cities, using their mandibled bite. A formian worker’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Cure Serious Wounds (Sp): Eight workers together can heal a creature’s wounds as though using the cure serious wounds spell (caster level 7th). This is a full-round action for all eight workers. Make Whole (Sp): Three workers together can repair an object as though using the make whole spell (caster level 7th). This is a full-round action for all three workers. WARRIORWarriors communicate through the hive mind to convey battle plans and make reports to their commanders. They cannot speak otherwise. A warrior is about is about 5 feet long and about 4-1/2 feet high at the front. It weighs about 180 pounds. CombatWarriors are wicked combatants, using claws, bite, and a poisonous sting all at once. Through the hive mind, they attack with coordinated and extremely efficient tactics. A formian warrior’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based. TASKMASTERThese formians communicate only telepathically and derive sustenance from the mental energies of those they dominate. A taskmaster is about the same size as a warrior. CombatTaskmasters rely on their dominated slaves to fight for them if at all possible. If necessary, though, they can defend themselves with claws and a poison sting. A formian taskmaster’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Dominate Monster (Su): A taskmaster can use a dominate monster ability as the spell from a 10th-level caster (Will DC 17 negates), although the subject may be of any kind and may be up to Large size. Creatures that successfully save cannot be affected by the same taskmaster’s dominate monster ability for 24 hours. A single taskmaster can dominate up to four subjects at a time. The save DC is Charisma-based. Dominated Creature (Ex): A taskmaster is never encountered alone. One dominated nonformian creature always accompanies it (choose or determine randomly any creature of CR 4). Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 15, initial and secondary damage 1d6 Str. The save DC is Constitution-based. MYRMARCHMyrmarchs are the elite of formian society. Much more than those beneath them, these creatures are individuals, with goals, desires, and creative thought. A myrmarch is about is about 7 feet long and about 5-1/2 feet high at the front. It weighs about 1,500 pounds. Its claws are capable of fine manipulation, like human hands. Each myrmarch wears a bronze helm to signify its position (the more elaborate the helm, the more prestigious the position). Myrmarchs speak Formian and Common. CombatMyrmarchs’ claws are like hands and thus serve no combat purpose. Myrmarchs occasionally employ javelins for ranged attacks, coated with poison from their own stingers. They fight intelligently, aiding those under them (if any such are present) and commanding them through the hive mind. If chaotic creatures are present, however, a myrmarch is singleminded in its quest to destroy them. A formian myrmarch’s natural weapons, as well as any weapons it wields, are treated as lawful-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 20, initial and secondary damage 2d6 Dex. The save DC is Constitution-based. Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 12th. The save DCs are Charisma-based. At will - charm monster (DC 17), clairaudience/ clairvoyance, detect chaos, detect thoughts (DC 15), magic circle against chaos, greater teleport; 1/day - dictum (DC 20), order’s wrath (DC 17). QUEENThe formian queen cannot move. With her telepathic abilities, though, she can send instructions to and get reports from any formian within her range. She is about 10 feet long, perhaps 4 feet high, and weighs about 3,500 pounds. The queen speaks Formian and Common, although she can communicate with any creature telepathically. CombatThe queen does not fight. She has no ability to move. If necessary, a team of workers and myrmarchs (or dominated slaves) haul her enormous bulk to where she needs to go. This sort of occurrence is very rare, however, and most of the time the queen remains within her well-defended chambers. Despite her utter lack of physical activity, the queen can cast spells and use spell-like abilities to great effect in her own defense as well as the defense of the hive-city. Spells: The queen casts arcane spells as a 17th-level sorcerer. Typical Sorcerer Spells Known (6/8/7/7/7/7/6/6/4, base save DC 15 + spell level): 0 - acid splash, arcane mark, daze, detect magic, light, mage hand, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue; 1st - comprehend languages, identify, mage armor, magic missile, shield; 2nd - hypnotic pattern, invisibility, protection from arrows, resist energy, scorching ray; 3rd - dispel magic, heroism, nondetection, slow; 4th - confusion, detect scrying, black tentacles, scrying; 5th - cone of cold, dismissal, teleport, wall of force; 6th - analyze dweomer, geas/quest, repulsion; 7th - summon monster VII, vision, waves of exhaustion; 8th - prismatic wall, temporal stasis. Spell-Like Abilities: Caster level 17th. The save DCs are Charisma-based. At will - calm emotions (DC 17), charm monster (DC 19), clairaudience/ clairvoyance, detect chaos, detect thoughts, dictum (DC 22), divination, hold monster (DC 20), magic circle against chaos, order’s wrath (DC 19), shield of law (DC 23), true seeing. Telepathy (Su): The queen can communicate telepathically with any intelligent creature within 50 miles whose presence she is aware of. FROST WORM![]() A frost worn cannot burrow through stone, but can manage ice and frozen earth. When moving through such hard materials it leaves behind a usable tunnel about 5 feet in diameter. A frost worm is about 40 feet long, 5 feet in diameter, and weighs about 8,000 pounds. COMBATFrost worms lurk under the snow, waiting for prey to come near. They begin an attack with a trill and then set upon helpless prey with their bite. Trill (Su): A frost worm can emit a noise that forces its prey to stand motionless. This sonic mind-affecting compulsion affects all creatures other than frost worms within a 100-foot radius. Creatures must succeed on a DC 17 Will save or be stunned for as long as the worm trills and for 1d4 rounds thereafter, even if they are attacked. However, if attacked or violently shaken (a full-round action), a victim is allowed another saving throw. Once a creature has resisted or broken the effect, it cannot be affected again by that same frost worm’s trill for 24 hours. The effect’s caster level is 14th. The save DC is Charisma-based. Cold (Ex): A frost worm’s body generates intense cold, causing opponents to take an extra 1d8 points of cold damage every time the creature succeeds on a bite attack. Creatures attacking a frost worm unarmed or with natural weapons take this same cold damage each time one of their attacks hits. Breath Weapon (Su): 30-foot cone, once per hour, damage 15d6 cold, Reflex DC 22 half. Opponents held motionless by the frost worm’s trill get no saving throw. The save DC is Constitution-based. Death Throes (Ex): When killed, a frost worm turns to ice and shatters in an explosion that deals 12d6 points of cold damage and 8d6 points of piercing damage to everything within 100 feet (Reflex half DC 22). The save DC is Constitution-based. Skills: *A frost worm, due to its coloration and its affinity for burying itself in the snow, has a +10 racial bonus on Hide checks in its native environment. FUNGUS![]()
COMBATShriekers and violet fungi often work together to attract and kill prey. When the shriekers’ hellish racket attracts a curious creature, the violet fungus tries to kill it. Both creatures enjoy the fruits of a successful hunt. SHRIEKERA shrieker is a stationary fungus that emits a loud noise to attract prey or when disturbed. Shriekers live in dark, subterranean places, often in the company of violet fungi, whose poison they are immune to. Shriekers come in of shades of purple. CombatA shrieker has no means of attack. Instead, it lures prey to its vicinity by emitting a loud noise. Shriek (Ex): Movement or a light source within 10 feet of a shrieker causes the fungus to emit a piercing sound that lasts for 1d3 rounds. The sound attracts nearby creatures that are disposed to investigate it. Some creatures that live near shriekers come to learn that the fungus’s noise means there is food nearby. VIOLET FUNGUSViolet fungi resemble shriekers and are often found growing among them. A violet fungi’s coloration ranges from purple overall to dull gray or violet covered with purple spots. CombatA violet fungus flails about with its tentacles at living creatures that come within its reach. Poison (Ex): Injury, Fortitude DC 14, initial and secondary damage 1d4 Str and 1d4 Con. The save DC is Constitution-based. |