
Local Tremor

(Races of the Dragon)

Evocation [Earth]
Level: Cleric 2, Druid 2, Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2,
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Area: 30-ft. line
Duration: 1 minute/level or until expended; see text
Saving Throw: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No

The earth around your feet begins to ripple, and a directed shock wave of tectonic force is released that shoots through the ground.
Immediately upon completion of the casting of this spell and as often as once per round thereafter, you can cause the ground to shake along a 30-foot line.
You can produce a number of these tremors equal to your caster level (maximum five).
The tremors begin at your location and extend in the direction you indicate; any creature caught standing within the area must make a Reflex save or fall prone.
A spellcaster caught standing on one of these squares must make a Concentration check (DC 20 + spell level) or lose any spell that was being attempted.
You need not produce a tremor immediately upon finishing the casting of this spell.
You can perform other actions, even the casting of other spells, between producing new tremors.
Calling up a new tremor in any round after the spell has been cast requires a standard action (as you refocus your concentration on the spell).

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