

(Player's Guide to Faerûn)

Level: Initiate of mystra 6,
Components: V, S,
Casting Time: 1 full round
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

You create a magical aura around the subject that protects it against certain spells.
Upon casting, you must designate one spell of 4th level or lower per four caster levels you possess.
These choices cannot be spells delivered by touch attacks.
When the subject of this spell is the target of or within the area of one of the designated spells, the spellmantle absorbs the incoming spell's energy completely.
The target can then direct this energy to one of the following two purposes.
Healing: The subject immediately receives a cure wounds spell of the same level as the spell that was absorbed.
The cure spell functions as if you had cast it upon the target.
If the subject is unconscious, the incoming spell is automatically converted to a cure spell.
Receive Spell: The incoming spell's energy can immediately trigger another spell upon the target.
To allow the subject this option, you must designate one spell of 4th level or lower that you have prepared at the time of casting.
This spell must be one that affects the target's person.
Designating one of your spells for this purpose does not cause you to lose the prepared spell, either now or when the effect is triggered.
If the level of the incoming spell is lower than that of your designated spell, the subject cannot activate this effect.
Otherwise, if the subject chooses this option, your designated spell functions as if you had cast it.
The duration of this triggered spell can outlast that of the spellmantle itself.
For example, you could designate lightning bolt as one of the spells the spellmantle absorbs and choose magic circle against evil to be the spell the target receives.
In that case, every time the subject is in the area of a lightning bolt (or any other spell of 3rd level or higher that you designate), it can choose to be immediately protected by magic circle against evil.
The spellmantle can absorb from three to nine spell levels (1d4 +1 per four caster levels) of incoming spells.
If the spellmantle lacks sufficient capacity to absorb a spell, the absorption does not occur.
Once it has absorbed its capacity, it dissipates.

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