
Demon Dirge

(Planar Handbook, p. 97)

Level: Cleric 4, Sorcerer 4, Wizard 4,
Components: V, S, DF,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: Living creature
Duration: Instantaneous or 1d4 rounds; see text
Saving Throw: Fortitude negates or Fortitude partial; see text
Spell Resistance: Yes and no; see text

The baatezu's answer to Blood War-related demonic magic targeting their race, demon dirge deals 3d6 points of damage to any creature that has both the chaotic and evil subtypes (such as a howler or a demon). A successful Fortitude save negates this damage.

If the target creature also possesses the tanar'ri subtype, the spell has a much more powerful effect. The target's blood seethes and churns, stunning it for 1d4 rounds and dealing 3d6 points of damage in each of those rounds. A successful Fortitude save negates the stun effect and reduces the duration to 1 round. Such creatures' spell resistance does not apply against this effect.

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