
Alamanther's Return

(Magic of Faerun)

Transmutation [see text]
Level: Sorcerer 9, Wizard 9,
Components: V, S, M, XP,
Casting Time: 1 full round (see text)
Range: See text
Effect: One spell or spell-like ability
Duration: See text
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: See text

You duplicate the effect of any one spell or spell-like ability you have seen.
This spell can only duplicate spells and spell-like abilities of 8th level or lower.
This duplication functions like the ability of a wish spell to duplicate another spell, except that it is not limited by type of spell (divine or arcane) or by what school the effect is from.
A duplicated spell or spell-like ability functions as if you had the appropriate spell prepared and were casting it yourself.
If the casting time of the spell is greater than 1 full round, add 1 full round to the casting time of Alamanther's return.
If the spell or ability has an XP cost, you must pay that XP cost in addition to the XP cost of this spell.
If the spell has a costly material component, you must provide that component or pay an additional XP cost equal to the gp value of that component divided by 5.
Alamanther of Aglarond, a former consort of the Simbul, created this spell.
He was eventually destroyed in one of his frequent battles against the Red Wizards of Thay.
Material Component: A silver mirror worth 50 gp.
XP Cost: 1,000 XP or more.

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