
Tyche's Touch

(Lost Empires of Faerun)

Level: Cleric 2,
Components: S, DF,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Target: One living creature
Duration: 24 hours or until discharged
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

This spell confers either a protection or a curse (your choice at the time of casting) upon a single living creature.
The effects of the two options are as follows.
Protection: The subject gains a +4 sacred bonus on the first saving throw made after the spell is cast, a +3 sacred bonus
on the second saving throw, a +2 sacred bonus on the third, and a +1 sacred bonus on the fourth.
Curse: The subject takes a -4 penalty on the first saving throw made after the spell is cast, a -3 penalty on the second saving throw, a -2 penalty on the third, and a -1 penalty on the fourth.
Tyche's touch lasts for 24 hours or until its power is exhausted (after the fourth saving throw).
Only one Tyche's touch spell can affect a given creature at one time.
Tyche's touch spells automatically counter and dispel each other if cast on the same creature, regardless of how many saving throws the first casting of the spell has already affected.
In recent years, both Beshaba and Tymora have been known to grant Tyche's touch.

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