
Phantom Plow

(Lords of Darkness)

Evocation [Earth]
Level: Cleric 3, Druid 3,
Components: V, S, M,
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: See text
Area: See text
Duration: Permanent
Saving Throw: See text
Spell Resistance: No

You turn aside raw earth in a furrow in a straight line, extending from your feet to a distance of 20 feet per caster level.
The furrow measures 1 foot deep by 6 inches wide.
The furrow ceases if it connects with a wall, large boulder, or other solid object greater than its own width.
Medium-size and smaller creatures standing directly in the furrow's path must make a Balance check against the caster's save DC to retain their footing; otherwise they fall prone to the ground.
Creatures burrowing or buried in the earth along the furrow's line suffer 4d4 points of damage.
Netherese clerics utilized this spell to turn earth at a fast rate in preparation for planting crops.
Its use enabled them to plant large tracts of land quickly and efficiently.
Material Component: A handful of dried corn.

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