


Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Bard 6,
Components: V,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Area: 30-ft. radius centered on you
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes

Snowsong fills the area with a soft snowfall that melts and evaporates on contact with anything solid.
When you cast the spell, you must designate all creatures in the area as either allies or enemies.
While the snow falls, allies in the area hear a soft, lilting song that bolsters their spirits and confidence.
At the same time, as the snow strikes their bodies, it melts and washes away scars, wounds, and filth.
Allies under the effect of the snow gain a +4 morale bonus to Charisma and attack rolls, and a +4 insight bonus to Armor Class.
In addition, the snow imparts fast healing 1 and resistance to cold 15 to all affected allies.
All melee attacks made by allies in the snowsong deal an additional 1d6 points of cold damage.
Enemies in the area of a snowsong have a much different experience.
To them, the snow is bitterly cold and leaves scabs and angry welts when it lands their skin.
They perceive the music as a discordant jangle of crashes, scrapes, and howls.
As long as they remain in the area, they suffer a 20% chance of spell failure (for both divine and arcane spells) when casting any spells with a verbal component.
Enemies can resist the effects of a snowsong with a successful Will saving throw.
These benefits remain in place as long as the spell persists and as long as the target remains in the spell's area.
If a creature leaves the spell's area, all effects end for that creature until it returns to the snowsong's area.

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