Mantle of the Icy Soul
Level: Druid 5, Cleric 6,
Components: V, S, M, XP,
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: Touch
Area: Creature touched
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Mantle of the icy soul permanently adds the cold subtype to the targeted creature.
The skin, hair, and scales of the creature subtly change color to take on an icy blue tint, and its breath does not frost in cold temperatures.
The recipient of a mantle of the icy soul gains immunity to cold, but has vulnerability to fire, which means that it takes half again as much damage (+50%) as normal from fire regardless of whether a saving throw is allowed, or if it is a success or a failure.
There is no change to the creature's Challenge Rating or effective character level.
The effects of this spell can be removed by a limited wish or wish.
Material Component: A handful of ice or snow that must be pressed to the target's body.
XP Cost: 2,000.