
Glacial Ward, Greater


Abjuration [Cold]
Level: Sorcerer 7, Wizard 7,
Components: V, S, M, Coldfire
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 10 ft.
Area: 10-ft.-radius spherical emanation, centered on you
Duration: 1 round/level (D)
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

A 10-foot-radius globe of swirling coldfire surrounds you, granting you and anyone inside the globe spell resistance 25 against all fire spells and spell-like effects.
In addition, any creature using a fire-based supernatural ability on a target inside the globe (such as a breath weapon) must also make a caster level check to affect the target.
The globe does not offer protection against natural heat and fire, including immersion in lava.
Material Component: A pinch of sulfur.
Coldfire Component:One ounce of coldfire.

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