Spider Curse
(Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting)Transmutation [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Spider 6,
Components: V, S, DF,
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
Target: 1 humanoid of Medium-size or smaller
Duration: 1 day/level
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
You turn a humanoid into a driderlike creature that obeys your mental commands.
The transmuted subject gains a spider's body with a humanoid head, arms, and torso, just like a drider.
The subject has a drider's speed, natural armor, bite attack, and poison (but see below).
The subject gains a +4 bonus to its Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores.
The subject retains its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, level and class, hit points (despite any change in Constitution score), alignment, base attack bonus, and base saves.
(New Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution scores may affect final Armor Class, attack, and save bonuses).
The subject's equipment remains and continues to function as long as it fits a drider's body shape.
Otherwise it is subsumed into the new form and ceases to function for the duration of the spell.
Retained items include anything worn on the upper body (head, neck, shoulders, hands, arms, and waist).
Nonfunctioning items include anything worn on the legs, feet, or the whole body (armor, robes, vestments, and boots).
The subject's bite delivers a poison with a Fortitude save DC of 16 + your Wisdom bonus.
Initial and secondary damage is 1d6 points of temporary Strength damage.
Your control over the subject is like that provided by a dominate person spell.
(You telepathically control the creature so long as it remains within range).
Although spider curse is similar to polymorph other, it does not heal damage or cause disorientation.