
Create Magic Tattoo

(Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting)

Conjuration (Creation)
Level: Sorcerer 2, Wizard 2,
Components: V, S, M, AF,
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: Creature touched
Duration: 1 day
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)

Create magic tattoo creates a single magic tattoo.
The caster determines the exact type of tattoo, though the selection of possible tattoos is limited by caster level.
The caster of create magic tattoo must have a modicum of artistic talent to sketch the desired tattoo—at least one rank of Craft (drawing), Craft (painting), Craft (calligraphy), or a similar Craft skill.
Inscribing a magic tattoo requires a Craft check.
The DC varies with the kind of tattoo, as noted below.
A caster of 3rd to 6th level can inscribe the following tattoos (DC 10):

  • +2 resistance bonus on one type of saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will).
  • +1 luck bonus on attack rolls.
  • +1 deflection bonus to AC.

A caster of 7th to 12th levels can inscribe the lower-level tattoos, plus the following (DC 15):
  • +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws.
  • +2 competence bonus on attack rolls.
  • The ability to recall one cast 0-level, 1st-level, or 2nd-level spell (just as though the subject were using a pearl of power).

The caster chooses the spell level.
A caster of 13th level or higher can inscribe all of the above tattoos plus the following (DC 20):
  • Spell resistance of 10 + 1 per six caster levels.
  • +2 enhancement bonus to any one ability score.
  • +1 level of casting ability.

This increases the subject's effective level, but not the total number of spells.
An 11th-level caster raised in casting ability in this manner casts spells as a 12th-level caster in terms of range, area, effect, and so on, but this tattoo does not provide any extra spells.
A single creature can have only three magic tattoos at a time.
Once a creature has three magic tattoos operating, any additional magic tattoos fail.
A successful erase spell removes a single magic tattoo.
A successful dispel magic spell can remove multiple magic tattoos if targeted on the creature bearing the tattoos (see the dispel magic spell in the Player's Handbook).
Material Components: Tattoo inks in appropriate colors.
Focus: Tattoo needles.

Design downloaded from free website templates.