
Claws of the Bebilith

(Book of Vile Darkness)

Transmutation [Evil]
Level: Corrupt 5,
Components: V, S, Corrupt
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: Caster
Duration: 10 minutes/level

The caster gains claws that deal damage based on her size (see below) and can catch and tear an opponent's armor and shield.
If the opponent has both armor and a shield, roll 1d6: A result of 1-4 indicates the armor is affected, and a result of 5-6 affects the shield.
The caster makes a grapple check whenever she hits with a claw attack, adding to the opponent's roll any enhancement bonus from magic possessed by the opponent's armor or shield.
If the caster wins, the armor or shield is torn away and ruined.
Corruption Cost: 1d6 points of Dexterity damage.

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