Weapon Group (Exotic Weapons)
( Unearthed Arcana, p. 96)[General]
You understand how to use the exotic weapons associated with the weapon groups that you have mastered.
Base attack bonus +1,
When you take this feat, you gain proficiency in the exotic weapons associated with the weapon groups that you already know how to use. Whenever you take a Weapon Group proficiency feat, you also gain proficiency in the exotic weapons (but not the exotic double weapons) associated with that group. Axes: dwarven waraxe (one-handed use). Bows: elven double bow(A), greatbow(W), composite greatbow(W). Claw Weapons: bladed gauntlet(A), claw bracer(A), panther claw(A), stump knifeA, tiger claws(A), ward cestus(A). Clubs and Maces: warmace(W) (one-handed use), tonfa(A). Crossbows: great crossbow(A), hand crossbow. Druid Weapons: greatspear(W). Flails and Chains: chain-and-daggerA, scourge, spiked chain, three-section staffA, whip, whip-daggerA. Heavy Blades: bastard sword (one-handed use), khopesh(A), mercurial longsword(A), mercurial greatsword(A). Light Blades: kukri, sapara(A), triple dagger(A), war fan(A). Monk Weapons: butterfly sword(A), tonfa(A). Picks and Hammers: dire pick(W), gnome battlepickA, maul(A) (onehanded use). Polearms: heavy poleaxeW. Slings and Thrown Weapons: bolas, chakram(A), gnome calculus(A), halfl ing skiprockA, orc shotputA, shuriken, throwing iron(A). Spears and Lances: duom(A), greatspear(W), harpoon(A), manti(A), spinning javelin(A).
If you include exotic weapons from sources other than the Player's Handbook, the DM should feel free to assign those weapons to a weapon group as appropriate for the campaign. The list above includes weapons featured in the Arms and Equipment Guide (marked A) and Complete Warrior (marked W).
When using a weapon with which you are not profi cient, you take a -4 penalty on attack rolls.