
Metanode Spell

( Underdark, p. 26)


You cast metamagic spells to greater effect in earth nodes than elsewhere (see Node Magic in Chapter 4: Magic and Spells).


Node Spellcasting (Und) , caster level 1st,


When casting a spell improved by a metamagic feat, you can deduct the class of the earth node layer in which you currently stand from the increased spell level. (The class of the layer does not equal the class of the node unless you are standing in the innermost portion of it.) For example, if you use Maximize Spell to augment the 3rdlevel spell fireball in the innermost (+1) layer of a Class 1 earth node, you cast the spell as if it were only two levels higher than normal, not three, because the earth node pays one spell level's worth of the metamagic cost. This feat is most useful to casters who do not prepare their spells (such as bards and sorcerers) and to wizards who rarely leave their earth nodes and can therefore prepare and cast their spells at the adjusted level. If you use this feat to reduce the cost of preparing a metamagic spell and then leave the earth node, the spell you prepared becomes unavailable until you return to an earth node layer of at least the same class as the one in which the spell was prepared

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