
Final Strike

( Savage Species, p. 34)


Your death throes are destructive.


Acid, air, cold, earth, electricity, fire, or water subtype,


When you are killed (that is, when your hit points drop to -10 or lower), your body explodes in a final strike--a blast of elemental destruction--according to the table below. Everything within 60 feet is subject to the effect. Your final strike deals 1d6 points of damage per Hit Die, up to a maximum of 20d6. Each creature in the area may make a successful Reflex save (DC 10 + 1/2 your Hit Dice + your Con modifier) to halve the damage dealt. The blast also has a secondary effect, which can be reduced or negated (as shown on the table below) by a second successful save of the type indicated (same DC_as the save against the primary damage). Subtype --- Primary Damage --- Secondary Damage. Acid ---Acid --- Blindness for 2d4 rounds, Fortitude negates. Air --- Blast of wind --- Destructive harmonics (bludgeoning damage) (1d6 sonic damage per 2 Hit Dice; Reflex half). Cold ---Cold --- Ice shards (1d6 piercing damage per 2 Hit Dice; Reflex half). Earth --- Blast of rock shards --- Earthquake (as spell, Reflex save according to effect). Electricity --- Lightning --- Thunderclap (1d6 sonic damage per 2 Hit Dice, stun for 1 round, deafen for 4d6 rounds; Reflex half and no deafness). Fire --- Fire--- Light blast (1d6 damage per 2 Hit Dice; Reflex half). Water ---Blast of water (bludgeoning damage) --- Drench (extinguish nonmagical fire automatically, or magical fire as dispel magic cast by a sorcerer whose level equals your HD total).


A final strike renders your corpse unsuitable for raise dead or resurrection spells. Only true resurrection, miracle, or wish can restore life.

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