Spell Rehearsal
( Races of the Dragon, p. 105)[Tactical]
Casting the same spell several times in a row or at the same target enables you to perfect it.
Caster level 1st,
The Spell Rehearsal feat enables the use of three tactical maneuvers. You can only apply one maneuver at a time to a single spell.
Persistence: To use this maneuver, you must cast a specific spell two or more times in succession, and the spell must be one that allows affected creatures or objects a saving throw. You can take a move action after casting the spell once before casting it again, but you cannot take any other standard actions between successive castings. On the second and subsequent times you cast the spell, you add a cumulative +1 to the spell's save DC. If you cast any other spell after starting to use this feat or take any other standard action, the persistence chain breaks and you must begin anew.
Refined Targeting: To use this maneuver, you must cast a specific spell two or more times in succession, and the spell must be one that requires an attack roll to affect a target. You can take a move action after casting the spell once before casting it again, but you cannot take any other standard actions between successive castings. On the second and subsequent times you cast the spell at the same target, you gain a cumulative +2 enhancement bonus on the attack roll to deliver the spell. If you cast any spell that does not require an attack roll or take any other standard action, the refined targeting chain breaks and you must begin anew.
Persistent Targeting: To use this maneuver, you must cast a specific spell two or more times in succession, and the spell must be one that allows a target to apply spell resistance to the effect. You can take a move action after casting the spell once before casting it again, but you cannot take any other standard actions between successive castings. On the second and subsequent times you cast the spell at the same target, you gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome the target's spell resistance. If you cast any other spell or take any other standard action, the persistent targeting chain breaks and you must begin anew.
This benefit applies to spells you know or have prepared as well as spells cast from items such as wands and scrolls.