
Shield Dwarf Warder

( Races of Faerun, p. 168)


You are a student of the protective magics of the shield dwarves, learned at great cost during centuries of warfare and wandering.


Shield dwarf,


You gain +1 caster level when casting a spell that creates or enhances a suit of armor or a shield. The tradition of shield dwarf warders includes the following spells at the appropriate levels: 1st--entropic shield, mage armor, shield, shield of faith; 2nd--shield other; 3rd--magic vestment; 4th--fire shield; 6th--stone body; 8th--iron body, shield of law. Other spells gain this benefit if they target a suit of armor or shield. Additionally, any magic armor or shield you create costs 5% less gold pieces to make. The experience point cost is unaffected.

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