
Gold Dwarf Dweomersmith

( Races of Faerun, p. 163)


You have learned the secrets of gold dwarf magic that creates or enhances weapons.


Gold dwarf,


You gain +1 caster level when casting a spell that creates a weapon or enhances an existing one. An 11th-level caster with this feat, for example, grants a weapon a +4 enhancement bonus when she casts greater magic weapon, not just a +3 enhancement bonus. This bonus caster level allows you to exceed the normal maximum effect allowed by a spell. The tradition of gold dwarf dweomersmiths includes the following spells at each level: 1st--bless weapon, magic stone, magic weapon, shillelagh; 2nd--flame blade, Melf's acid arrow, spiritual weapon; 3rd--flame arrow, keen edge; 4th--greater magic weapon, holy sword; 6th--blade barrier, spellstaff; 7th-- changestaff, Mordenkainen's sword. Other spells gain this benefit if they target a weapon. Additionally, any magic weapons you fashion cost 5% less in gold pieces to make. The experience point cost is unaffected

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