Calishite Elementalist: Air
( Races of Faerun, p. 161)[General]
You are a student of the Calishite tradition of elemental magic and have mastered its mysterious lore. You may choose to specialize in air magic or fire magic.
You gain +1 caster level when casting a spell from the Air tradition or Fire tradition, depending on which tradition you select when you choose this feat. This bonus caster level allows you to exceed the normal maximum damage allowed by a spell, so an 11th-level caster of the Air tradition creates an 11d6 lightning bolt instead of a 10d6 lightning bolt. If you are a wizard, you may add a spell in your tradition to your spellbook for free when you become able to cast it. This does not count against the two free spells you add to your spellbook at each class level. The Tradition of Air magic consists of the following spells at the appropriate levels: 0--mage hand; 1st--shocking grasp; 2nd-- levitate; 3rd--lightning bolt; 4th--shout; 5th--telekinesis; 6th-- chain lightning; 7th--reverse gravity; 8th--Bigby's clenched fist; 9th--Bigby's crushing hand.