Shifter Ferocity
( Races of Eberron, p. 115)[Shifter]
You are a tenacious combatant, continuing to fight when others would succumb to pain and injury.
Shifter, Wisdom 13,
While shifting, you continue to fi ght without penalty if you are disabled or dying. This benefi t has the following specifi c game effects. When reduced to 0 hit points, you can act as if you weren't disabled (that is, you ignore the normal restriction of only a single move action or standard action per round). You do not lose 1 hit point for performing a standard or otherwise strenuous action while at 0 hit points. When reduced to -1 to -9 hit points, you do not fall unconscious. You do not automatically lose 1 hit point each round when at -1 to -9 hit points. When your current hit points drop to -10 or lower, you immediately die.