Heroic Metamagic
( Races of Eberron, p. 109)[General]
In times of great need, you can call upon a heroic reserve of power to strengthen your spells.
ability to cast 2nd-level spells, Any metamagic feat,
You can spend action points to spontaneously apply the effect of any metamagic feat you know to a spell as you are casting it, with no change to the spell's level or casting time. The cost in action points to use this feat is equal to the spell slot adjustment normally required to use the metamagic feat in question. For example, applying the effect of Empower Spell (spell slot two levels higher than normal) to one of your spells using this feat costs 2 action points. If you have another ability that affects the spell slot adjustment of a metamagic feat, use that value instead of the normal spell slot adjustment when using this feat, to a minimum of 1 action point.