Boomerang Daze
( Races of Eberron, p. 108)[Fighter Bonus Feat, General]
You can daze the targets of your boomerang attacks.
base attack bonus +4, Proficiency with Talenta boomerang or Xen'drik boomerang,
When you attack with a Talenta boomerang or Xen'drik boomerang (see page 119 of the EBERRON Campaign Setting), any target creature that takes damage must succeed on a Fortitude save (DC 10 + damage dealt) or be dazed for 1 round (until just before your next action). If you have the Boomerang Ricochet feat (see below), you can daze both targets.
A halfling fighter from the Talenta Plains or a drow fighter from Xen'drik can select Boomerang Daze as one of his fighter bonus feats.