
Dread Tyranny

( Races of Destiny, p. 154)


A devoted student of Hextor's militant teachings, you are skilled at intimidating and dominating weaker beings.


STR 13, Cleric level 3rd, deity Hextor,


Add Intimidate to your list of cleric class skills. You add your Strength bonus in addition to your Charisma bonus on Intimidate checks. Furthermore, when you use a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage, you lessen the penalty on attack rolls by 2 (-2 penalty instead of -4). In addition, you may add the following spells to your cleric spell list: 2nd Scare: Frightens creatures of less than 6 HD. 4th Evard's Black Tentacles: Tentacles grapple all within 15-ft. spread. 5th Dominate Person: Controls humanoid telepathically. 6th Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose.

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