
Two-Weapon Pounce

( Player's Handbook II, p. 84)

[Fighter Bonus Feat, General]

When you charge an opponent while wielding two weapons, you can make two quick attacks. You trade the momentum and power of the charge for the opportunity to use your second weapon.


Two-Weapon Fighting (PH) , DEX 15, base attack bonus +6,


When you are making a charge and wielding weapons in both hands, you can attack with both of your weapons. If you do so, you lose the bonus on attack rolls normally granted by a charge. The -2 penalty to AC from charging still applies.


A fighter can select Two-Weapon Pounce as one of his fighter bonus feats. A ranger who has chosen the twoweapon combat style can select Two-Weapon Pounce as long as he has a base attack bonus of +6 and is wearing light armor or no armor.


When making a charge, you get a single attack at the end of your movement.

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