
Profane Aura

( Player's Handbook II, p. 89)


You call upon the dark powers you worship to fi ll the area around you with a dreadful mist that obscures sight.


ability to rebuke undead, Divine caster level 9th,


As a standard action, you can expend one of your rebuke undead attempts to fi ll the area around you with a cold, clammy mist. The mist extends out in a 60-foot-radius emanation centered on you and fl ows through the air as you move, keeping you at the center of its area. The mist provides concealment to creatures within the cloud. While in the mist, creatures (including you) 5 feet away from each other have concealment, and creatures separated by more than 5 feet have total concealment from each other. In addition, mindless undead creatures within the cloud gain a +2 defl ection bonus to AC.

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