
Improved Familiar

( Player's Guide to Faerûn, p. 39)


Refer to the Improved Familiar feat description on page 200 of the Dungeon Master's Guide. In addition to the choices presented there, t he f ollowing f am iliars a re a vailable i n a F ORGOTTEN REALMS campaign. Familiar --- Alignmentr --- Level. Deathfang(RAC) --- Neutral evil --- 9th. Flying snake(RAC) --- Neutral --- 3rd. Lizard, spitting crawlerFOR --- Neutral --- 3rd. Lynx(RAC) --- Neutral --- 3rd. Osquip(RAC) --- Neutral evil --- 5th. Tressym --- Neutral good --- 5th. Improved familiars do not grant any special abilities to their masters other than the Alertness feat, an empathic link, and the ability to share spells with the familiar.


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