Foe Hunter
( Player's Guide to Faerûn, p. 38)[Regional]
In a land threatened by fi erce raiders, you have learned to fi ght effectively against certain foes. You know their ways and how to beat them. Home Region --- Favored Enemy Cormyr --- Humanoids (goblinoid). Chult --- Humanoids (goblinoid). The Dragon Coast --- Dragons. The Galena Mountains --- Humanoids (goblinoid). Impiltur --- Demons. The Moonsea --- Humanoids (orc). The North --- Humanoids (orc). Samarach --- Yuan-ti. The Spine of the World --- Humanoids (orc) Tashalar --- Yuan-ti Thindol --- Yuan-ti
Dwarf (the Galena Mountains or the Spine of the World), half-elf (the Dragon Coast), halfl ing (the North), or human (Chult, Cormyr, Impiltur, the Moonsea, the North, Samarach, Tashalar, or Thindol),
You acquire a favored enemy. This benefi t functions like the ranger class feature of the same name, except that the exact type of creature you oppose is determined by your home region, according to the table above.