Feats by Rulebooks
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Innate Spell | You have mastered a spell so thoroughly that you can ... | Complete Arcane |
Innate Spell | You have mastered a spell so thoroughly you can now ... | Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting |
Innate Spell | You have mastered a spell so thoroughly you can now ... | Tome and Blood: A Guidebook to Wizards and Sorcerers |
Inner Strength | You have more power points than normal. | Psionics Handbook 3.0 |
Inquisitor | You know when others lie. | Expanded Psionics Handbook |
Inscribe Epic Runes | You can inscribe runes of epic power. | Player's Guide to Faerûn |
Inscribe Rune | You can create magic runes that hold spells until triggered. | Player's Guide to Faerûn |
Inscribe Rune | You can create magic runes that hold spells until triggered. | Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting |
Inside Connection | Choose a specific organization, such as a town's militia, a ... | Races of Destiny |
Insidious Magic | You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells ... | Player's Guide to Faerûn |
Insidious Magic | You can use the Shadow Weave to make your spells ... | Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting |
Insightful | You possess a magical understanding of the workings of arcane ... | Complete Arcane |
Insightful Divination | Casting a divination spell grants you an uncanny insight into ... | Complete Mage |
Insightful Reflexes | Your keen intellect allows you an uncanny knack for evading ... | Complete Adventurer |
Inspirational Leadership | Your cohort and followers are exceptionally faithful to your cause. | Heroes of Battle |
Inspire Excellence | You can improve the abilities of your comrades through your ... | Epic Level Handbook |
Inspire Spellpower | You can use your bardic music to increase the power ... | Races of Stone |
Instant Clarity | You have sharpened your concentration to the point that you ... | Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords |
Instant Reload | Choose one type of crossbow, such as heavy crossbow, You ... | Epic Level Handbook |
Instantaneous Rage | You activate your rage instantly. | Complete Warrior |