Feats by Rulebooks
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Wounding attack | Your vicious attacks wound your foe. | Expanded Psionics Handbook |
Wounding Spell | Because you have studied the cruel arts of the Athalantan ... | Lost Empires of Faerun |
Wrest Possession | If you resist control by a possessing fiend, you can ... | Faiths of Eberron |
Wyrmgrafter | You can apply draconic grafts to other living creatures or ... | Races of the Dragon |
Xeph Burst, Extra | You can use your burst racial trait more often. | Complete Psionic |
Xeph Celerity | You can use your burst racial trait to gain an ... | Complete Psionic |
Yondalla's Sense | You display a shrewd perception of danger. Other halflings say ... | Races of the Wild |
Zen Archery | Your intuition guides your hand when you use a ranged ... | Complete Warrior |
Zen Archery | Your intuition guides your hand when you use a ranged ... | Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters |
Zone of Animation | You can channel negative energy to animate undead. | Complete Divine |
[Creature Type] Trainer | You are skilled at training a particular type of creature. | Arms and Equipment Guide |