Feats by Rulebooks

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Feat name Short description Rulebook
Improved Trip You are trained not only in tripping opponents safely but ... Player's Handbook v.3.5
Improved Turn Resistance You have a better than normal chance to resist turning. Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead
Improved Turn Resistance You have a better than normal chance to resist turning. Savage Species
Improved Turning Your turning or rebuking attempts are more powerful than normal. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Improved Two-Weapon Defense You gain a signifi cant defensive advantage while fighting with ... Complete Warrior
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting You are an expert in fighting two-handed. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Improved Unarmed Strike You are skilled at fighting while unarmed. Player's Handbook v.3.5
Improved Weapon Familiarity You are familiar with all exotic weapons common to your ... Complete Warrior
Improved Weapon Familiarity You are familiar with all exotic weapons common to your ... Races of Stone
Improved Web You gain additional utility from your webs. Savage Species
Improved Whirlwind Attack You become a blurry whirlwind of attacks, striking out at ... Epic Level Handbook
Inatentive You are skilled at fi nishing simple tasks quickly, but ... Unearthed Arcana
Inattentive Unearthed Arcana
Incarnum Resistance Your body, untainted by incarnum, is not easily affected by ... Magic of Incarnum
Incarnum Spellshaping You gain the ability to invest incarnum into your spellcasting. Magic of Incarnum
Incarnum-Fortified Body The incarnum within you strengthens your body's toughness, enabling you ... Magic of Incarnum
Incite Rage Epic Level Handbook
Indigo Strike INDIGO STRIKE [INCARNUM] You can channel incarnum to enhance your ... Magic of Incarnum
Indomitable Discipline Many aberrations in Khyber possess powers allowing them to control ... Player's Guide to Eberron
Indomitable Soul Your physical toughness translates into greater mental resiliency. Where others ... Player's Handbook II
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