Feats by Rulebooks

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Feat name Short description Rulebook
Combat Insight Your keen intellect allows you to place melee attacks where ... Complete Warrior
Combat Intuition Your keen understanding of your opponent's moves and your instinctive ... Complete Adventurer
Combat Manifestation You are adept at manifesting powers in combat. Expanded Psionics Handbook
Combat Manifestation You are adept at manifesting powers in combat. Psionics Handbook 3.0
Combat Panache Your glowing personality and sharp performance abilities allow you to ... Player's Handbook II
Combat Reflexes You can respond quickly and repeatedly to opponents who let ... Player's Handbook v.3.5
Combat Stability When you maintain your combat focus, you become diffi cult ... Player's Handbook II
Combat Strike Your intense, focused state allows you to see the one ... Player's Handbook II
Combat Tactician You excel at approaching an opponent from an unexpected direction ... Player's Handbook II
Combat Tinkering You can disarm traps or pick locks quickly and efficiently, ... Dungeonscape
Combat Vigor When you maintain your combat focus, your clarity of purpose ... Player's Handbook II
Cometary Collision You are a thunderbolt of destruction on the battlefi eld. ... Player's Handbook II
Communicator You possess a magical understanding of the essence of language. Complete Arcane
Companion Spellbond You form a special magical link with your animal companion, ... Player's Handbook II
Complementary Insight You get more out of having skills that work well ... Races of Destiny
Concussion Attack Your attacks can damage your opponent's ability to think clearly. Complete Scoundrel
Conductivity You have crude control over electricity effects near you. Unearthed Arcana
Confound the Big Folk You excel when battling foes bigger than you are. Races of the Wild
Consecrate Spell You can imbue your spells with the raw energy of ... Book of Exalted Deeds
Consecrate Spell You can imbue your spells with the raw energy of ... Complete Divine
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