Feats by Rulebooks
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Combat Insight | Your keen intellect allows you to place melee attacks where ... | Complete Warrior |
Combat Intuition | Your keen understanding of your opponent's moves and your instinctive ... | Complete Adventurer |
Combat Manifestation | You are adept at manifesting powers in combat. | Expanded Psionics Handbook |
Combat Manifestation | You are adept at manifesting powers in combat. | Psionics Handbook 3.0 |
Combat Panache | Your glowing personality and sharp performance abilities allow you to ... | Player's Handbook II |
Combat Reflexes | You can respond quickly and repeatedly to opponents who let ... | Player's Handbook v.3.5 |
Combat Stability | When you maintain your combat focus, you become diffi cult ... | Player's Handbook II |
Combat Strike | Your intense, focused state allows you to see the one ... | Player's Handbook II |
Combat Tactician | You excel at approaching an opponent from an unexpected direction ... | Player's Handbook II |
Combat Tinkering | You can disarm traps or pick locks quickly and efficiently, ... | Dungeonscape |
Combat Vigor | When you maintain your combat focus, your clarity of purpose ... | Player's Handbook II |
Cometary Collision | You are a thunderbolt of destruction on the battlefi eld. ... | Player's Handbook II |
Communicator | You possess a magical understanding of the essence of language. | Complete Arcane |
Companion Spellbond | You form a special magical link with your animal companion, ... | Player's Handbook II |
Complementary Insight | You get more out of having skills that work well ... | Races of Destiny |
Concussion Attack | Your attacks can damage your opponent's ability to think clearly. | Complete Scoundrel |
Conductivity | You have crude control over electricity effects near you. | Unearthed Arcana |
Confound the Big Folk | You excel when battling foes bigger than you are. | Races of the Wild |
Consecrate Spell | You can imbue your spells with the raw energy of ... | Book of Exalted Deeds |
Consecrate Spell | You can imbue your spells with the raw energy of ... | Complete Divine |