Feats by Rulebooks
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Charnel Miasma | Your close connection to death magic causes others to find ... | Complete Champion |
Cheetah Tribe Sprint | You have learned the secret of lightning-fast running from the ... | Shining South |
Cheetah's Speed | You can run with the speed of the cheetah. | Complete Divine |
Child of the Swamps | You have spent years in the swamps of the Shadow ... | Player's Guide to Eberron |
Child of Winter | You are trained in the druidic traditions of the Children ... | Eberron Campaign Setting |
Chink in the Armor | You are an expert at slipping a weapon between armor ... | Song and Silence: A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues |
Chondathan Missionary | Your training has emphasized spells that help you spread the ... | Races of Faerun |
Chord of Distraction | You can channel the power of your bardic music to ... | Complete Scoundrel |
Chosen of Iborighu | Your skin has a noticeable blue tint and your left ... | Frostburn |
Chosen of the Deathless | You were raised in Shae Mordai to serve as a ... | Player's Guide to Eberron |
Chosen Weapon Specialization | You deal more damage than normal when wielding your deity's ... | Player's Guide to Faerûn |
Circle Kick | You kick multiple opponents with the same attack action. | Sword and Fist: A Guidebook to Monks and Fighters |
City Magic | You can use the city itself to enhance your spellcasting. | CityScape |
City Slicker | You are very familiar with city life and the inner ... | Races of Destiny |
Clan Prestige | Your actions have brought you some measure of fame and ... | Races of Stone |
Clap of Thunder | You can deliver a thunderous roar with a touch. | Complete Mage |
Clarion Commander | On the battlefield, you are a natural leader. You issue ... | Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords |
Claws of the Beast | Your hands are twisted like claws. This deformity allows you ... | Fiendish Codex I: Hordes of the Abyss |
Cleave | You can follow through with powerful blows. | Player's Handbook v.3.5 |
Clever Wrestling | You have a better than normal chance to escape or ... | Complete Warrior |