Feats by Rulebooks
Feat name | Short description | Rulebook |
Quicken Spell-Like Ability | A creature with this feat can employ a spell-like ability ... | Monster Manual IV |
Quicken Spell-Like Ability | A creature with this feat can employ a spell-like ability ... | Monster Manual V |
Quicken Spell-Like Ability | The creature can use a spell-like ability with amoment's thought. | Book of Vile Darkness |
Quicken Spell-Like Ability | You can use a spell-like ability with a moment's thought. | Savage Species |
Quicken Turning | You can turn or rebuke undead with a moment's thought. | Complete Divine |
Quicken Turning | You can turn or rebuke undead with a moment's thought. | Libris Mortis: The Book of the Dead |
Quicken Turning | You can turn or rebuke undead with a monent's thought. | Faiths & Pantheons |
Quicken Turning | You can turn or rebuke undead with a moment's thought. | Defenders of the Faith: A Guidebook to Clerics and Paladins |
Quicken Utterance | ou can speak an utterance with just a moment's thought. | Tome of Magic |
Quicker than the Eye | Your hands can move so quickly that observers don't see ... | Song and Silence: A Guidebook to Bards and Rogues |
Quickslime | The slime attack of an aboleth with this feat is ... | Lords of Madness |
Quill of Sivis | {TO DO} Your dragonmark makes you more adept at deciphering ... | Dragonmarked |
Quori Dread | {TO DO} You can unsettle an enemy, filling his mind ... | Secrets of Sarlona |
Racial Emulation | You can emulate a humanoid more closely with your minor ... | Races of Eberron |
Radiant Fire | Pelor has ignited your faith and conviction, making you better ... | Races of Destiny |
Ragewild Fighting | You have mastered a merciless form of combat that emphasizes ... | Races of Eberron |
Raging Luck | When raging, you have a greater ability to alter your ... | Eberron Campaign Setting |
Rampaging Bull Rush | You can use brute force to slam into and knock ... | Races of Stone |
Ranged Disarm | You can disarm a foe from a distance. | Complete Warrior |
Ranged Inspiration | You can use your bardic music at a greater range ... | Epic Level Handbook |