
Spirit Sense

( Heroes of Horror, p. 124)

You can see and communicate with the souls of the recently departed.|||While mounted on a Valenar horse, you receive a +1 circumstance bonus on melee attack rolls and melee weapon damage rolls.


must have had a neardeath experience (that is, must have fallen below 0 hit points), Wisdom 12,


You can see the spirits of creatures who have died within a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom bonus. For instance, if your Wisdom is 17 (+3 bonus), you can see the spirits of creatures that have died within the past 3 minutes. You can speak with these spirits, but you gain no special ability to command them or to communicate with them if you do not share a language. These spirits are not creatures per se and cannot be harmed or affected in any way, magical or otherwise. In addition, you gain a +4 circumstance bonus on Listen or Spot checks made to detect incorporeal creatures.

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