( Frostburn, p. 50)[General]
You add ice or snow to your spell's components to make them more powerful.
CON 13,
Required for
Cold Spell Specialization (Fr) , Frostfell Prodigy (Fr) , Frozen Magic (Fr) , Icy Calling (Fr) ,
If you add a handful of snow or ice as an additional material component to a spell when you cast it, the spell gains the cold descriptor. This does not actually change the nature of the spell you cast; a fi reball cast with this feat still dealsfiredamage, but since it also carries the cold descriptor, it can be augmented by a number of feats listed in this chapter, such as Cold Focus and Frozen Magic. If you add a handful of snow or ice as an additional material component to a spell when you cast it and that spell already has the cold descriptor, you increase the effective level of the spell being cast by +1. Adding this additional material component requires you to spend a move action immediately before the spell is cast to gather fresh snow or ice from the surrounding environment. This snow or ice can be magically created by a conjuration spell, but no other ice manifested by a spell will do. You may take no other action between gathering the snow or ice and casting the spell.