Feats in Faiths & Pantheons

Feat name Short description Rulebook
Divine Might You can channel energy to increase your damage in combat. Faiths & Pantheons
Divine Vengeance You channel energy to do additional energy damage in combat ... Faiths & Pantheons
Empower Turning You can turn or rebuke more undead with a single ... Faiths & Pantheons
Eschew Materials You can cast spells without material components. Faiths & Pantheons
Heighten Turning You can affect more powerful undead with your turning or ... Faiths & Pantheons
Jack of All Trades You've picked up a smattering of even the most obscure ... Faiths & Pantheons
Lycanthropic Spell You cast spells while in your lycanthropic animal form. Faiths & Pantheons
Quicken Turning You can turn or rebuke undead with a monent's thought. Faiths & Pantheons
Reach Spell You can cast touch spells without touching the spell recipient. Faiths & Pantheons
Sacred Spell Your damaging spells are imbued with divine power. Faiths & Pantheons
Superior Expertise You have mastered the art of defense in combat. Faiths & Pantheons
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