Heroic Channeling
( Faiths of Eberron, p. 147)[Divine]
You can call on your personal strength of will io channel positive or negative energy into divine feats.
Ability to turn or rebuke undead,
Instead of spending a turn or rebuke attempt to use a divine leat. you can spend 1 action point. You can spend action points in this way even if you do not have any turn or rebuke attempts left. You cannot spend more than 1 action point at a time in this way (or use action points more than once in a round). However, you can combine this action point with additional turn or rebuke attempts to use divine feats that require multiple turn attempts. Thus, you can activate a divine feat by using 1 action point and one or more turn or rebuke attempts.
You cannot use divine feats if you have no turn or rebuke attempts left.