Initiate of Io
( Dragon Magic, p. 21)[Initiate]
Your deity has entrusted you with the responsibility of tending to dragonkind.
Cleric level 3rd, deity lo, dragonblood subtype,
You gain a +2 competence bonus on saves against effects created by dragons and creatures of the dragonblood subtype. This includes spells, spell-like abilities, supernatural abilities, or any other effect with a saving throw DC. (II you have the draconic or half-dragon template, this bonus improves to You can treat your cleric levels as sorcerer levels for the purpose of qualifying for draconic feats. In addition, you add the following spells to your cleric spell list. 1st Detect Dragonblood: Detect dragons and dragonblood creatures within 60 ft. 2nd Dragoneye Rune: Create an invisible draconic mark on an object or creature. 2nd Magic of the Dragonheart: Enhance the benefits of your draconic feats. 7th Kiss of Draconic Defiance: Hinder nearby spellcasters; counter one spell automatically