
Savvy Rogue

( Complete Scoundrel, p. 80)


You have mastered one or more of your rogue special abilities.



Based on the rogue special abilities you have (PH 50), you gain one or more additional special BENEFITS: as described below. You gain the BENEFITS: for all the special abilities you have, even those you gain after selecting this feat. Crippling Strike: You can deal Strength damage even to a target that is immune to extra damage from sneak attacks. Defensive Roll: You can use this ability three times per day, rather than once per day. Improved Evasion: You gain a +2 competence bonus on Reflex saves. Opportunist: You can use the opportunist ability as many times per round as you can make attacks of opportunity, but no more than once per creature per round. Each use of the opportunist ability counts as an attack of opportunity. Skill Mastery: When taking 10 with a skill to which you have assigned skill mastery, you can treat the die roll as a 12 instead of as a 10. (In effect, you're "taking 12.") Slippery Mind: You gain a +2 competence bonus on the extra save granted by slippery mind.

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