Improved Familiar
( Complete Scoundrel, p. 78)[General]
You can acquire a new familiar from a nonstandard list of creatures.
Ability to acquire a new familiar, compatible alignment, sufficiently high arcane spellcaster level,
When you choose a familiar, the creatures on the table below are also available. You can choose a familiar with an alignment up to one step away on each of the alignment axes (lawful through chaotic,good through evil). For example, a chaotic good spellcaster could acquire a neutral familiar. A lawful neutral spellcaster could acquire a neutral good familiar. Except as noted here, improved familiars otherwise use the normal rules for familiars (PH 52). Arcane Familiar Alignment Caster Level Monstrous centipede, Small N 2nd Badger N 3rd Monstrous scorpion, Small N 3rd Viper, Medium N 3rd Monstrous spider, Small N 4th Vargouille* NE 6th Mephit, any N 7th * Vargouilles summoned as familiars do not possess the kiss supernatural ability.
This feat was originally presented on page 200 of the DMG; the description here provides new alternatives for arcane spellcasters who want familiars stealthy and versatile enough to follow them anywhere.