

( Complete Psionic, p. 63)


You can permanently modify a psionic power you know with a metapsionic feat.


Ability to manifest psionic powers, any other metapsionic feat,


You choose one power known to you to become permanently modified by one metapsionic feat you know. The cost of modifying your chosen power with metapsionic feats is reduced by 2 power points (to a minimum extra cost of 0 power points). When you manifest the modified power with that metapsionic feat, you must still obey any restrictions of that feat (for example, expending your psionic focus). Once a metapower is created by taking this feat, it cannot be changed. The metapower can be used normally with other metapsionic feats you know.


You can gain this feat multiple times. Each time you do, you choose a power--either one you have already modified or another power you know--and reduce the metapsionic feat cost of that power by 2 power points for a different specific metapsionic feat.

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