
Linked Power

( Complete Psionic, p. 62)


You can link a power to the power you manifest in this round so that it goes off next round.



To use this feat, you must expend your psionic focus. Manifesting a power altered by this feat means that you must choose two powers--one you intend to manifest in this round, and one you intend to manifest in the next round. The power that is manifested in this round is not altered in any way, nor is the linked power that goes off in the next round--however, you do not need to spend any of your actions or power points next round to manifest the linked power. The linked power is automatically targeted on the same area or target as the power you manifest in this round (if the power you manifest this round has no area or target, choose an area or target in this round for the linked power to affect in the next round). If the same creature is targeted by both powers, the target experiences all the effects of both powers individually and receives a saving throw (if applicable) for each. In some cases, such as a psionic charm followed by a linked psionic charm, failing both saving throws results in redundant effects (although, in this example, any ally of the target would have to succeed on two dispel attempts to free the target from the charm effect). It is possible that by the time the linked power comes into effect on the following round, the area where it goes off or the target that it affects no longer has relevance. On the other hand, you are free on the subsequent round to take actions normally. Using this feat increases the power point cost of the power manifested this round by a number equal to the power point cost of the linked power. Thus if you manifest energy stun (3 power points) and energy burst (5 power points) as the linked power, the metapsionic cost is 8. The total of power points you spend in this manner cannot exceed your manifester level.

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