
Imbued Healing

( Complete Champion, p. 60)


You imbue your healing spells with additional BENEFITS: based on the power of your belief.


Ability to cast conjuration (healing) spells; access to one or more domains,


Whenever you cast a lst-level or higher conjuration (healing) spell, you not only heal your subject of hit point damage, but you also confer on it a carrier effect deriving from a domain to which you have access. If you have access to more than one of the following domains, choose which carrier effect to use each time you use this ability. Each of these carrier effects has a duration of 1 minute per level of the conjuration (healing) spell cast and an equivalent spell level. If you are using domains from publications other than the Player's Handbook, use the Domains from Publications Other Than the Player's Handbook sidebar on page 53 to determine an appropriate domain equivalency. Air: Electricity resistance 5. Animal: Scent ability. Chaos: +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on a randomly determined ability score. Death: +4 on saving throws against death effects. Destruction: +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on melee damage rolls. Earth: Acid resistance 5. Evil: DR 3/good. Eire: Fire resistance 5. Good: DR 3/evil. Healing: 1 temporary hit point per level or HD. These temporary hit points last for up to 1 hour. Knowledge: +2 insight bonus on skill and ability checks. Law: +4 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells or spell-like abilities. Luck: When rolling for damage, treat any die roll result of 1 as 2, unless 1 is the maximum result possible. Magic: +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on saves against spells and spelllike abilities. Plant: Light fortification (25% chance to avoid extra damage from critical hits and sneak attacks). Protection: +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus to AC when fighting defensively. Strength: +2 on damage rolls with any melee attack. Sun: Low-light vision; +2 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on Spot checks. Travel: +5-foot bonus to base land speed. Trickery: +6 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on Bluff checks. War: +1 on attack rolls with weapons (not natural weapons). Water: +6 sacred (if your deity is good or neutral) or profane (if your deity is evil) bonus on Swim checks.


When you use a conjuration (healing) spell to deal damage to a target, you cannot confer one of these carrier effects on that target.|||Different carrier effects can affect the same target concurrently, even if the domains are normally opposed in nature (Law/Chaos, Good/Evil, and so forth).|||If your conjuration (healing) spell affects multiple creatures, you can choose only one carrier effect per casting. All targets are subject to that same effect.

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