
Knight ot Tyr's Merciful Sword

( Champions of Valor, p. 33)


You can draw upon the power of Tyr to sense where you are needed.


WIS 13, member of the Knights of the Merciful Sword (see page 102),


You gain the supernatural ability to sense injustice and great evil. Once per week as a standard action, you can concentrate to sense the direction of the greatest injustice or evil within 1 mile of you (DM's determination). Alternatively, you can meditate for 8 hours to expand your range to 10 miles for that use of the feat. Murder, treason, and the presence of evil outsiders rank highest with this sense, while other crimes, injustices, and evil creatures rank lower, similar to the aura strengths listed in the detect evil spell. You gain a +1 sacred bonus to Armor Class against demons.

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