Initiate of Nobanion
( Champions of Valor, p. 31)[Initiate]
You have been initiated into the greatest secrets of Nobanion's church.
Cleric or paladin 4th, patron deity Nobanion,
You gain wild empathy (as the druid class feature), usable only on feline and part-feline animals or magical beasts (such as chimeras, dire lions, dire tigers, dragonnes, and manticores); your effective druid level for the purpose of making such checks is equal to the sum of your druid, ranger, cleric, and paladin class levels. You also gain the smite power, the supernatural ability to make a single melee attack once per day with a +4 bonus on the attack roll and a bonus on damage equal to the sum of your cleric, druid, ranger, and paladin levels. These bonuses only apply if the attack is made against a follower of Malar or an item of his church; if you accidentally smite a creature or object that doesn't meet this requirement, the smite has no effect but is still used. You must declare the smite attempt before making the attack. In addition, you add the following spells to your cleric or paladin spell list. 2nd--lionheart (see page 56). 3rd--summon nature's ally II (lion only). 4th--shout.