Snatch Trophy
( Champions of Ruin, p. 22)[General]
You can quickly and skillfully collect a trophy of your victory over a fallen foe.
Required for
Bloodsoaked Intimidate (CR) ,
After dealing a creature enough damage to drop it to negative hit points, you can slice or pry off a trophy as a free action. You must be adjacent to the dead or dying creature. The trophy could be a small body part such as a fi nger or ear. Carving a trophy in this manner requires a light slashing or piercing weapon and deals 1d6 points of damage to the target creature. (A creature with regeneration can regrow the severed body part.) Alternatively, you can take a small item worn or carried by your fallen foe, such as a piece of jewelry, pouch, potion, light weapon, or helmet, in which case the victim takes no damage. The snatched item can weigh no more than 2 pounds. You must have a free hand to collect the trophy.