Initiate of Gruumsh
( Champions of Ruin, p. 24)[Initiate]
The singular eye of the great orc god Gruumsh watches over you.
ability to cast 2nd-level divine spells, Orc or half-orc, patron deity Gruumsh,
Once per day, as a swift action (see the Swift and Immediate Actions sidebar, page 21), you can cast any cure spell you have prepared, or you can spontaneously cast an inflict spell. In addition, you add the following spells to your divine spellcaster list. If you have more than one divine spellcasting class before taking this feat, you must decide to which class's spell list to add the spells. 2nd Battle Line: Creates an area of doom on the battlefield. 3rd Bloodspear: Makes one spear into a wounding weapon. 5th Pocket Cave: Creates an extradimensional space where you and your allies can hide. 6th Eyebite: Target becomes panicked, sickened, and comatose. 7th Waves of Exhaustion: Several targets become exhausted.