
Feat Category – Shifter

Feat name Short description Rulebook
Shifter Ferocity You are a tenacious combatant, continuing to fi ght when ... Eberron Campaign Setting
Shifter Ferocity You are a tenacious combatant, continuing to fight when others ... Races of Eberron
Shifter Instincts Your heritage has given you sharp senses and quick refl ... Races of Eberron
Shifter Magnetism Your heritage gives you a strong animal presence. Player's Guide to Eberron
Shifter Multiattack You are adept at using your natural attack in conjunction ... Eberron Campaign Setting
Shifter Savagery The bestial fury of your lycanthrope ancestors allows you to ... Races of Eberron
Shifter Stamina Yours is a heritage of endurance and tenacity, and you ... Races of Eberron
Shifter Stealth You can call upon your bestial heritage to increase your ... Player's Guide to Eberron
Swiftwing Elite Your swiftwing shifter trait improves. Races of Eberron
Truedive Elite Your truedive shifter trait improves. Races of Eberron
Wildhunt Elite Your shifter-enhanced instincts and senses allow you to detect concealed ... Races of Eberron
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